Foundations of Friendships

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Ten
Foundations of Friendship

(Song unrelated, I'm just sad and forgot it excisted. Ironic eh?)

Although I was familiar with Professor Wellix from when he asked me to join his club, I knew for a fact I never actually had him as a professor. Even so, I could tell he was more eccentric than usual as he pranced around the front of the room with ease for someone his age. He went about explaining some more common potions and their most popular uses, but when he got to the more obscure potions, he began to solely focus on me.

I knew he was sizing me up, but I took pleasure in it as I answered the potion names with relative ease. He gave a proud look as he ran back behind his desk and then turned towards the class and clapped his hands together, "I'm very excited for what's to come in this class -- today you are all third years, but tomorrow, you will be learning as fourth years, that means more difficult and stupendously amazing potions!"

The class remained quiet, all except for the pencil movements of the girl beside me as she began writing what he was saying. "Today, I will only ask that you all attempt to make a sleeping draught, of course, for today only, you'll be allowed to work with your desk partner if you wish! Just be sure to bottle up your potion when you're done, label it, and come turn it in. Once you're finished, you can leave -- ah -- yes, Miss Nymp?" He asked, turning his attention to Analie.

"I don't have a partner, can I join someone else's group?"

He looked around the class, and unable to find another student, he slowly nodded, but Analie had already moved beside Vladimir.

"Can I work alone instead?" Arthur asked, his hand shooting up.

"Ah - I mean-" The Professor tried before Arthur had already picked himself up and moved to my old seat and sat down, "Very well," he sighed out, "You may all begin!"

I turned towards the girl beside me who was flipping through the text book in panic, "We're working together, right?" I wondered.

She nodded quickly, "Yes -- I'm looking up the recipe for the potion-"

"Ah, no need! I know this already." I replied, picking out some of the ingredients that were on our desk, "He had us make this potion last year in his club."

"His potions club?" She said in a whisper, "Oh wow, how lucky you sat here then!"

I wouldn't call her luck now, I thought to myself, as I let Arin light the fire under the cauldron as I poured some pufferash into it. As time went on and the potion began to pop and sizzle, Arin furrowed her brows as she looked in the book, "Wait, it's not supposed to do that yet, is it? We haven't even added the lizard juice... Have we?"

Shaking my head, I explained that the pufferash helped the potion heat up faster, so we should add it before the other ingredients. After waiting another minute or so, I proceeded making the potion as the book instructed, only adapting it slightly to make it more effective. We both watched with anticipation as the bubbling came to a slow stop, "It's actually purple!" Arin exclaimed, rereading the text to confirm its accuracy.

I couldn't help but be smug as I nodded eagerly, "This is my forte!"

I couldn't help but be smug as I nodded eagerly, "This is my forte!"

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