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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Sixteen

"It's a stupid shame you're forced to mop as punishment." Darby commented as he opened a bag of chips, "and without magic too!"

"Yeah. I guess I should bring an alibi with me next time I try to dye someone purple." I yawned, picking up the mop and now empty bucket to put back into the storage room.

"I don't mean to sound confronting here, but did you do it on purpose? Y'know mess with that potion to try to figure out who it was you met with before?" Darby wondered.

I furrowed my brows, unsure of whether I should answer him honestly since he was Professor's son and she came off as the strictest professor this year. I answered with a shrug and he pressed his lips together as he continued behind me.

"If you're afraid I'll tell my mother, you don't have to worry!" He assured, "she and I tend to think differently anyways and she's far too busy to hear me out nowadays – Y'know with all that's happening and what not."

"I suppose," I replied lamely, "Anyways, I'm headed to dinner, you are too, aren't you?"

"Ah, good idea, let's go then!" He exclaimed, leading the way before me.

Ever since I was punished further for setting up another meeting despite having three seventh years watching over me, they had been removed from supervising me since it obviously didn't help keep me safe from danger. So, while I was free from my personal security guards, I still was being monitored more closely than other students by the faculty around school.

Darby led the way towards the Talian table and sat beside Antonio and Lucy who were talking about their grades in their herbology class. They both looked a bit surprised to see either of us there, but were welcoming, nonetheless.

"Anyways, Toni," spoke Lucy, diverting her gaze from me, "have you put any thought into who you're taking to the dance for the winter ball?" She fluttered her eyes a few times, but Antonio seemed to miss the signal as he scratched behind his ear, "Not really, I've been so caught up with my potions homework that I haven't even thought about it yet, honestly."

"Ah," Lucy said faintly, "well I've been thinking about a lot! I already have a dress I saw in town last time in mind!"

"The winter's ball is only for fifth years and up so stop bragging already," Darby muttered as he ate some toast.

"I'm just so so excited!" She said, grinning ear-to-ear, "Anyway, who's your friend, Darby?"

Before he could answer, I spoke up a bit offended, "I'm _______, we've met already."

Her eyes scanned my face with a faint look of annoyance. It hit me that perhaps she didn't like me because I knew Analie was working for those people and was so against her being declared innocent.

"Right," Lucy exhaled, "well, it's nice to meet you again." Turning towards Darby, she raised a brow, "Not to be rude or anything, but what did you want? I was talking to Toni." She spoke, trying to send him a signal to leave. Darby too, missed he signal and continued eating, "I'm hungry and I thought it'd be fun to introduce you to the school's hottest topic. You did mention you were wanting to write about something interesting for the school paper, didn't you?"

"An interview...?" She wondered, her eyes suddenly sparkling with joy, "That's right! That would be interesting! ______! Would you like to give an interview for the school paper?"

"I didn't even know the school had a paper." I muttered, still offended by her tone earlier.

"Haha..." She replied, "I'll take it as a yes. We can do it whenever you're free, preferably tomorrow?"

"I've got detention tomorrow." I said bitterly.

"Perfect! We can meet you in the library then!" Darby said enthusiastically. After taking a big swig of his drink, he and Lucy stood up and headed out of the dining hall, leaving Antonio and I alone.

He looked around us making sure no one was paying attention before leaning closer over the table, "I'm actually glad you're here. I forgot to mention it before since it really didn't seem like anything big at the time but the more, I think about it, the stranger it becomes."

"What is it?" I pressed.

"You remember a few days ago when all that with Persephone went down?" He asked, to which I nodded.

"Right well, I had felt a strange presence as if there had been someone else following him that entire day, so I tried my best to look as if I wasn't following Arthur also. Then in the afternoon when he was working on his homework in the dining hall, I saw someone raise their wand towards him before they saw me. After they saw me, they kind of just backed away and left quickly. I didn't have the chance to follow them down, but I'm sure that's why you told me to follow him, right?" Antonio asked, his gaze stern.

"Perhaps... Did you see their face by any chance?" I wondered.

"No, they were around the corner as I was approaching, I only saw their back as they were running away." He spoke, sounding disappointed.

"Agh... Well it's fine, thank you, really for doing this." I replied.

"It's no problem, I owed you for helping us with Gage back then... I'll keep watching over Arthur from now on of my own accord, but know if something like that happens again, I will be telling the Headmaster about everything that's happened. I can't risk another student's safety on a whim that perhaps we'll catch whoever is behind this." He said, his tone now stern.

I nodded, understanding that he was doing what he thought was the best option but kept my gaze on the table as he stood and headed out. Eating the remainder of my food alone, I pondered my next move.


I used to have hard mixed feelings about making actual characters from Hetalia a villain character because I feel like it would cause discord (hence why I always resorted to the 2ps) buuuut.... I'm over that now!

Without hinting at anyone in specific that you've met or have yet to truly meet,,, you probably can't trust them anyways.

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now