Potions At Eight

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Nine
Potions At Eight

Gage and Bliss seemed to make themselves right at home as they found their seats in the backroom of the library where Bliss had previously held the meeting for her group.

Lukas and the young girl, Persephone who had arrived much earlier than we had, were preoccupied talking and eating sandwiches from the stack in the center of the table. Upon our arrival however, the girl grew quiet as she was surrounded by strangers once again.

I didn't want to be the one to break the silence by asking her something because in all honesty, I was feeling nothing but cold distance between she and I. Not that I could justify it in my head, she probably didn't know anything her father was doing, but I still dared not to bring it up to her. At least not until I understood her better.

"When do we get our class schedules?" I asked, turning towards Antonio, who was sitting right beside me.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Gage answered for him, "After the ceremony ends, you can ask your seventh year prefect for it."

Antonio shot him a glare, as he spoke however, there wasn't a hint of anger in his tone, "Your seventh year prefect is -

Etals: Gupta Hassan

Ians : Roderich Edelstien

Ailat: Gilbert Beilschmidt

Talian: Irunya Chernenko

Hets: Wang Yao

- so you can find them when you get back to your dormitory."

"Oh wow -- I guess I never realised that after you become prefect you kinda just remain one until you graduate," I commented, "But I'll talk to them before I get to sleep."

"As far as I've been briefed this past week, the older you get you get the better it gets." He added with a cool smile, "For example, they didn't HAVE to stay here during the summer like fifth year prefects had to."

"I don't think a single one stayed this summer, they're all lazy." Gage mumbled into his drink.

Elizabeta shot a glare in his direction. I suppose she was defending them, but she looked personally attacked. "Well Gilbert sure is lazy... Unlike that Ians prefect, what's his name? Roderich? Yes- Roderich!" And though she had been asking a question, to me, it seemed as if she was already quite familiar with him.

"Oh, Gil's not lazy, he's just got a different way of thinking!" Antonio laughed.

"I beg to differ - he's so different from the others and especially his younger brother-" She tried to defend, but Gage interrupted this time with a look of slight interest, "This isn't like you, you're defending someone specifically, aren't you?"

"Wh- NO! Of course not!" She hissed, her face growing pink. Bliss jumped up, pointing at her before she sat back down and covered her mouth with her hands, "OK! OK! I won't say anything, I promise!"

"No way, he was right?" Antonio gasped, "Who is it, tell us!"

Bliss shook her head and I glanced over at Lukas just as he answered, "It's Roderich,"

"W-What? Ew -- really? How do you know that?" Gage asked, staring at Elizabeta under a new light with this new information.

Lukas shot me a sneaky smile and from it I knew that he used his training to read her mind when she had been distracted.

"I did kinda wonder why he'd want to stay here over summer break when none of the other seventh years wanted to, but I guess I always thought it was for the nostalgia or something since he's old." Gage said, leaning back in his chair.

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