A Day in the Life of Bliss and I

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twenty-Three
A Day in the Life of Bliss and I

"There's no way you can expect me to believe Antonio is helping those people!" Bliss shouted as she crossed her arms at us. Gage, who sat in the chair between us and her, however seemed to consider it further. Though perhaps in his case, that was due to the fact that he never really liked him in the first place.

"But what about the fact that Lovino said he's only mentioned the dance like twice before suddenly asking someone else out! That can't be a coincidence, can it?" Vlad pointed out.

"He doesn't have to tell Lovino everything he's planning on doing. The guy, stupid as he is, has a right to privacy." Gage replied, still not as convinced as he'd like to be.

"Well... Regardless, do you remember back when he somehow managed to find an entire chest of invisibility cloaks that Hayden just so happened to be using? Oh! And that's all without mentioning the fact that despite Hayden taking his place as the Talian prefect, the two still seemed to get along swimmingly, no?"

"I do think that's pretty sketchy," Gage nodded along, enjoying this far too much.

Bliss rolled her eyes, "You of all people should know how awful a feeling it is to have your name run through the dirt, Noir!"

Immediately, his smile faded and was replaced by a scowl as she continued, "Hate him or not, it's a fair idea to keep your personal feelings towards him out of the picture so your judgement doesn't get cloudy."

"Easy for you to say, Bliss. You're so optimistic that your own judgment is clouded. You also didn't think Gold was up to anything bad, but you were wrong there too!"

"He was my friend before you came into the picture! Of course, I'd trust him—"

"Then keep trusting Antonio, but don't expect me to not laugh when he turns out to be just like Gold!"

"FINE!" She shouted, the two-standing face to face now, "Then laugh! Laugh all you want! I'm leaving!" Before Gage could let out a single word, she had already spun on her heels and ran out of the library, leaving Arthur, Vlad, and I in an uncomfortable silence.

"I'll... Go check on her." I said, thinking fast on a way to excuse myself.

"And I should go... Write my—ugh—paper on... stuff! C'mon then, Arthur, you can be my witness!" Vlad said just after I was halfway out the door, the shuffling of their seats then their feet was the last thing I heard before the closing doors separated us.

Bliss hadn't gotten too far before I managed to catch up with her. Her brows were furrowed to a frown that didn't quite look right on her face. She gave a mutter to be left alone, but not having many other options to go, I continued behind her.

"Only the future will tell who's right," I said, trying to be reassuring, "for now, be hopeful."

She, who had just seconds ago had been angrily powerwalking down the hall, turned to face me suddenly with a frown. Not one of anger, but one that gave the impression that she had just heard a brilliant idea. Her eyes quickly widened, and she snapped her fingers as she nodded, "That's right! Why didn't I think of that before?!"

"O-Of being hopeful...?" I wondered.

She shook her head quickly, "No—the future!" She explained, "Why didn't I think of that before! Agh!"

"I'm not following—"

"A tarot reading!" She explained, "It's vague at times, but why don't we ask the tarot reading professor for a reading into our future? Perhaps then, we will get some answers or an idea of where to search for some more clues!"

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