The Meeting

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Seven
The Meeting

I had fallen asleep so quickly that upon waking up and stretching my legs out, I could feel the stiffness of my jeans and shirt. I pushed myself up and in my rage, kicked my pants off in exchange for some sweatpants. I mean, classes didn't actually start until tomorrow, and as far as I was told, the welcoming ceremony didn't call for any special clothes.

As I went to take off my shirt however, I saw that it was Vladimir's jacket I had on top of it. I had completely forgotten to hand it back to him after he ran off with that girl! I burried my face in my hands as I let my bed comfort me with its warmth. I'll return it to him later, hopefully without anybody there to witness it since another misunderstanding would be the last thing I need.

I slipped on a random hoodie and with Vladimir's jacket folded in my arms, I headed out to breakfast.

Although I hadn't seen him there, I did find Lukas who was sitting with a boy about his size.

Sitting down across from Lukas, the other boy glanced over and smiled, this caught Lukas's attention and he turned to meet my gaze, "You're up early."

I shrugged, giving a slight nod as my breakfast appeared before me and Lukas continued, "This is one of my brothers - well, we aren't actually related but he's like a brother to me, his name is Tino. He's a fifth year. Tino, this is _______. She's in my year."

Tino's eyes lit up as he heard my name, "Wait YOU'RE ______? Gosh! Lukas wouldn't shut up about you since we got here!"

"Hush," Lukas hissed, shooting him a glare before explaining, "You just happened to be at the centre of everything that happened last week."

I watched as my cup filled up with some orange juice, the superior breakfast drink before I took a sip. Glancing up at the two boys, I saw Tino had shifted in his seat to face Lukas, "About before, I know maybe the idea seemed a little rushed, but Mathias and Berwald have been talking about it all summer. It could be fun?"

"I told you already, it's ridiculous and I'm already busy with other clubs this year."

"Our club would only meet a few times a week! It's not that much... It wouldn't be complete without you." Tino whined in a last attempt to convince Lukas.

"What type of club is it?" I asked, wanting to know what would make Lukas so against it.

Tino's face lit up at the question, but before he had the chance to speak, Lukas took over, "It's a silly dance club."

"Not bad, ay?" Tino cooed eagerly, "We'll be wearing matching suits, too!"

"I don't mind wearing matching suits, but it's the suit you guys have in mind that's embarrassing. Who wants to be seen dancing on a stage while wearing glittery pink suits?" He groaned out, "And anyways. I'm already training to better my magic and Bliss got me to join her project so I'm booked anyways."

"What if I told you Emil was interested in joining?" Tino asked with eagerness in his voice.

After a moment of hesitation, Lukas shifted his gaze away, "If my little brother was in the club, well of course I would join."

Without another word from us, Tino jumped out of his seat, "I'll hold you to your word, Lukas! I'm going to go talk to him then -- ______! It was nice to finally meet you too! Bye then!" And with a skip in his step, he ran off towards the doors where he was determined to find this Emil to convince him to join the dance club.

As I watched him, I turned my attention towards Lukas who had a small smile across his face, "You actually joined Bliss's club? Why?"

"I liked the idea of it," he answered confidently. "Plus -- Emil. If I wasn't here, I'd like the idea of there being someone in my place to look out for him."

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