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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Eighteen

"Lucy's a fifth year, isn't she?" Arthur asked, finally breaking the silence.

"So what?" Analie hissed.

"It could be a coincidence." Vlad commented, though Arthur and I had already stood up with the idea of heading there now to investigate further.

"Where are you off to?" Analie pressed, standing up also, "I won't let you annoy my sister with your presence if that's what you're off to do!"

"No, I reckon that's your job, isn't it?" Arthur teased as he led the way out of the dining hall.

She made a scowl with her face when suddenly her face lit up so fast, you'd have assumed she was never upset in the first place, "She's got detention!" She explained, pointing an accusing finger towards me.

"That's not till dinner though--" I started before remembering, "But wait! Your sister is actually going to interview me for the school paper during my detention!"

"Oh well talk about killing two birds with one scone, that's a brilliant stoke of luck." Arthur grinned before getting hit on the back by none other than Peter who was passing by with Erika and another first year, "Hush you! How about you say to feed two birds with one scone instead?" He looked rather smug with himself but Arthur rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up, Peter."


As the four of us headed out, Analie stayed back, letting the boys pass on ahead of us. Her voice was quiet but her tone was firm as she spoke, "I don't care what you're planning on doing but if you get Vladdie hurt, I won't forgive it."

I didn't get the chance to argue against her before the presence of two professors took us all off our guard, "Everyone to your dormitories immediately, listen to your fifth year prefects for further instructions!" Their voices boomed down each hall.

From the students around the hall, confused chatter began to arise as they began to shuffle around, wondering what was happening. I turned back towards Analie, wondering if she knew anything about what was happening but the look of confusion was drawn across her face as much as it was on mine.

"Do you think it's them again?" Vlad suggested quietly as the four of us quickly walked in a group towards the end of the hall where our houses were.

"I'm not sure," I whispered back, "but let's be optimistic for now and hope it's nothing."

>If your'e in Ailat house (Red)

Analie and I walked together into our dorm where immediately she separated from me to stand by one of her other friends who was just as confused as to the situation. Looking around, I found the red hair of one of the twins leaned against the window.

"And here we thought you had something to do with what's all going on here." Laughed Seamus as he looked back over at the unrest in the room. The fifth year prefect, a squeamish looking boy who had been taking down the names of everyone entering the dormitory finally put down his clip board and cleared his throat.

"Alright then, can everyone stop talking and listen up!" He shouted, his voice amplified as he raised his and to his throat.

"Oi but what's the big deal? We've got midterms to study for!" Alroy shouted, causing some laughter to arise in the room.

"Right well -- everyone settle down first and I'll begin, yeah?" He hissed back, "Currently the situation isn't very clear but we were told to just make sure everyone remains in their dormitories for the meantime. No one is allowed to leave until a professor comes by."

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now