Lizard Blood

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Fourteen
Lizard Blood

Latin couldn't have ended any slower as my nerves began to get at me. Everything was set, all I had to do was make sure I wasn't caught. On our way towards the dining hall, I excused myself for a moment and rushed inside, finding three of them already there.

They all looked different this time but from their demeanor, I could somewhat tell who was who... but there was one missing. Surely that fourth one was watching to make sure everything went as planned from the outside, so I made sure to keep myself alert.

The first to walk closest to me had the same creepy smile as the other girl spread across his face. He must be the leader of this group since he's took charge last time too.

"You hurt two of my friends." I hissed, the images of Dylan and Alfred flashing in my mind.

"I'm pretty sure we warned you not so you could go and tattle tell but to use that as motivation to work hard. Shame, shame..." A blonde girl said as she admired herself in the mirror, only half focused on what was being said besides her. I quickly focused my eyes on her noting that she had the same tone as the redhead from before.

"It wasn't motivation." I said, pulling out the potion and gripping it in my hand, "What the hell did you do to them?"

"It's temporary, now come on and hand that over so you can head on your merrily way, I'm bored of this." A stoic looking brunette muttered from the back. He must be the same black-haired girl from before too.

"Temporary? Then how is it undone?" I pressed on.

"Only we can undo it, it's a curse, stupid." The smiling on said as they reached closer to pry the potion from my hands.

I frowned, pulling it back away from them, "Stop -- if you try that again I'll shout and the others who are waiting outside for me will come and you'll all be in so much trouble for what you've done!" I hissed.

"Big threats for someone who assumed we wouldn't be able to get passed through a teacher and one other idiot who tried to stop us from getting Alfred." The blonde pointed out.

I frowned knowing that they could be calling my bluff. But even so, they looked determined to get this potion from me. Although I was confident the three seventh years would be fast enough to get into the restroom if need be, I was still uncertain of the identities of these three.

"At least tell me why you need this potion." I said firmly, keeping my distance as I spoke.

The boy shrugged, "Not that it's really your business, but let's just say it's for the greater good. Now, the potion or should we just go on to the next person on our list?"

"Who'd be next?" I asked quickly.

With the same bored expression, the brunette from the back answered, "Arthur Kirkland."

Stretching out his hand, I furrowed my brows at him before submitting the potion to him at last, "Don't you dare try to hurt him."


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