Strawberry Milk

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Eleven
Strawberry Milk

The four of us hid in the crowd of moving kids as we made our way into the Ailat garden and collapsed in laughter and adrenaline.

"I can't believe you did that!" Gilbert exclaimed, in awe of my defiance of the law.

"I wasn't really thinking," I admitted, "But I guess we can count that as payment for you helping me out before." I said to Antonio, remembering how he was the one who found the invisibility cloaks before which helped to proving Hayden's guilt.

He smiled softly so as to say thanks when Gilbert spoke again, "No way! That was too awesome a move to brush it off -- look, I've got to go to Tisya's band group for practice, but if you ever need anything and I mean ANYTHING, come and ask me!"

"I'll definitely take you up on that favour." I said, ideas already bubbling in my mind.

"Same with me -- I'll be sure to put in a good word with Professor Wellix about your potion work." Antonio said, high-fiving me, "Though I know he already knows that, so if you ever get detention, call on me and I'll get you out."

Francis watched the two leave cooley before waving his wand and pulling out a bouquet of red roses, "Ehem -- To you ma'dam, I cannot offer you much, but I can offer you my entire heart and uncontested love-"

"Not even food or something?" I muttered, thinking it was a joke before he offered something else.

He looked stunned for a second before laughing, "I can offer you food, but is that really more valuable than my affections?" He said, waving the flowers gently, though his tone said desperate. I couldn't keep a straight face and wanting to just get out of there, I took the flowers and he lit up again.

"If you ever need a companion to walk with, talk with, or make out with... Or you just need some advice, call out my name and I will come running!" And like that, he skipped out as if he had, in that moment, heard his name elsewhere.

I sighed out as I looked at the roses and their soft red petals when suddenly my heart skipped a beat, THE MILK!

I had left it upstairs with what was left of my meal when we all ran down. I covered my face with the roses knowing that going back up there was out of the question -- sure the potion worked properly, I had no doubts about that, but... Still.

Nervously, I headed down the hall and towards the dining hall with the flowers clutched tightly in my hands. To my relief, everyone I passed in the hall didn't seem to take much note of me, so I slipped in with ease to get a new strawberry milk and headed on out to the field to at long last, unite Alfred with his milk.

I hadn't even realised how dark it had gotten in the time it took me to get to the field. If it was a little warmer or if I had a heavy sweater on, I'd love to be able to admire the sky longer. Unfortunately, I had neither a sweater nor the strength to idle in the cold, so with long, stiff strides, I made my way to the sidelines where I can a clear view of the boys chasing each other on their brooms.

I waved up at Alfred, catching his eye and he swooped down and ran over to where I stood shivering. He, meanwhile, looked cooled from the wind on his broom and his movements while playing, so he didn't seemed too bothered by the cold air.

"I almost thought you weren't coming!" Alfred grinned.

I nodded, trying to ignore the cold as I replied, "I just got a little caught up at dinner, but I wasn't going to forget about you twice." I laughed awkwardly, "H-Hows practice going?"

"Pretty good actually!" He said with enthusiasm, "I know for sure I'll get picked to be on the team, but I wonder who will get picked as next years captain.. Dylan's gotten really good so I guess I've got some competition." He said, glancing up at the guys.

"I'll be rooting for you." I said, shivering while trying to keep the milk warm. Ah- right! The milk.

"Here!" I unintentionally shouted, causing him to jump and Seamus to glance over and raise a brow. My hand shot out give him the strawberry milk and he reached out to take it.

As his hand touched mine, I couldn't help but notice how warm it felt. My face began to warm up as I looked up at him. It felt strange. This wasn't the first time I felt this way when with him... But still. Why?

His cheeks and nose were red from the harsh cold and his blue eyes were gentle as he looked at me. I swear I could see more stars twinkling in his eyes than in the night sky. I just wanted to stare into them for a while longer, but as he continued looking at me with a soft smile, it felt as if he was trying to tell me something... Wait - he was trying to tell me something! I was just distracted-

 Wait - he was trying to tell me something! I was just distracted-

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"W-What?" I asked, lost in my thoughts.

He smiled wider as he pointed to our touching hands with his other hand, "Are you going to let go?" He asked.

Admittedly, I had been blushing for reasons I couldn't understand, but now I was blushing out of embarrassment. I immediately let go and he took the milk and began drinking it, ignorant of my reaction.

"R-Right," I smiled, "Well I should get going now, t-thanks for the milk!" I said.

"Are you thanking me for this milk?" He laughed out.

I shook my head, "It's the cold - I'm cold!" I hissed, "Let's hang out someday inside the school or somewhere warm." I suggested.

"Totally, do you wanna talk tomorrow then?" He said, gripping his broom so that he could head back to the field. I nodded eagerly before waving him goodbye and sighing at myself as I ran back to the school so that I could warm back up.

 I nodded eagerly before waving him goodbye and sighing at myself as I ran back to the school so that I could warm back up

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Side note: I'm going to be testing new things with the comic pages, like adding colour to important scenes, adding title art, etc. So, things might look a different in following parts since I'm not sure what I'd like to keep and what not.

With that said, I'm super happy with how the first panel came out. I love the colours and the characters so much! <3

Also, sorry about the slow updates these last two parts. Idk if it's seasonal depression or if I'm just relapsing, but for the most part, I know how to cope with it, so I'm trying to keep myself occupied to distract myself from the empty feeling.

On that light note -- I'll see you next part!

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now