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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Thirty-Eight

I woke up later than I usually do, mostly because I was up most of the night, contemplating if I had missed something along the way.

Waking up, I got washed up and dressed before heading down to the dining hall for breakfast.

Only after having gotten my tray of food at a table did I remember about Alfred's offer to eat atop the Ian's tower. Seeing that he wasn't yet in the room, I skipped out to check the hospital wing just to make sure he wasn't still there.

When I saw he wasn't there, I decided to head up.

Fortunately, with everyone walking in and out of there, I managed to slip in, wondering if Alfred also entered like this.

Getting to the top of the stairs, I pulled the latch off the door on the ceiling before pushing the wooden door up and climbing onto the chilly, flat rooftop.

Alfred was already there, laying on his back.

"You're up early." I called out, letting the door fall closed behind me as I moved over to sit beside him.

Sitting up, he smiled broadly before letting out a yawn, "I didn't really sleep at all. I was too excited thinking about everything that's happened."

"When did you get here then?" I wondered, reaching for a bagel from a basket of food he carried up.

"An hour and a half ago, I think?" He replied, laughing slightly as he saw my eyes widen. "The hospital wing just felt super stuffy, and the air out here, it feels good."

"Really? It's kinda cold to me."

"Want my jacket? I've been using it as a pillow." He said, pulling his jacket from behind him and handing it over to me.

I put it on over my sweater and though it didn't do a lot, it still helped warm my hands when I shoved them under my arms after I finished eating.

"It's wintertime here, but it's colder during the summertime here, do you know why that is?" He asked with a knowing smile as he looked ahead at the trees that surrounded the entire building.

"Hmm..." I thoughts aloud, "I never thought about it, so why?"

"Well, apparently those terms come from the nongifted world. Their land mass is a lot bigger compared to ours. So big, that it's split into two hemispheres."

"Hemispheres, huh?" I teased, reaching for another bagel.

"Yeah, the northern one and southern one. The seasons are kinda switched, but I don't really get it. I just remembered this because I was thinking about what Vladimir told me. About Analie."

I stopped eating at the sound of her name. Glancing over, he looked almost angry as he frowned ahead, but he sounded hurt.

"I haven't talked to her in forever, but it's really hard to believe that she acted so cold to you... Anyway, I didn't ask you to come up here so we could talk about sad things. I kinda want to leave all of that behind for now... I just brought her up because her family always travels to the nongifted world and I've only been there once during our summer and that landed me in the hospital wing too."

"The bloodlaver, I remember... Good times." I commented.

We both snickered at the memory before it got quiet again and he continued, "I think when I'm older, I want to explore that place. It sounds massive and the summers there, I hear, are really warm."

"Yanno there are spells to make the area around you warm, if that's what you want. Gilbert, Francis, and Toni all invented one that works in the area you're in, even if you move!" I pointed out.

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