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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Thirty

She nodded. That was all the confirmation I needed to see for my knees to begin to feel weak beneath me. I put my weight on the mop to hold me up so I wouldn't fall from the sudden shock.

"I wish I could tell you more about what happened, but half of it, I'm not able to tell you, and the other half, I'm not even involved with anymore." She said after seeing I wasn't going to speak for a moment as the information began to process its way through my mind.

"At the very least..." I started after another minute, "Tell me why you did this."

She swallowed as she looked down at the book she was just looking at before turning back towards me, "I don't really expect you to know much about me, much less my mother since I never brought it up to you, but she's written quite a lot of books i...

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She swallowed as she looked down at the book she was just looking at before turning back towards me, "I don't really expect you to know much about me, much less my mother since I never brought it up to you, but she's written quite a lot of books in her years, she's very smart." She shifted uncomfortably, "She studies curses and their reversals and I didn't want to be in her shadows forever, so I fiddled in other studies, but nothing ever stuck with me. It felt like I was just jinxed to be bad at everything."

"What's that have to do with it?" I pressed, wanting her to get to the point so I would use the first curse I saw in that book on her.

"Well," She continued, "I wanted to do something to impress her and so I began looking into the nongift world and how that lot lives so that I could maybe do something to help them, but I'll admit, I was led quite a bit astray in my research."

"You had a mentor?"

"Yes! And they were the ones who told me about how the nongifted killed our ancestors a long time ago because they feared our power – I know now that these were lies, but I was really convinced! I thought for sure that the nongifted were bad, so I...

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"Yes! And they were the ones who told me about how the nongifted killed our ancestors a long time ago because they feared our power – I know now that these were lies, but I was really convinced! I thought for sure that the nongifted were bad, so I wanted to help support Delun Eltanin in however I could even though I'm still only a kid." She said quickly.

I let out a scoff and undeterred, she continued, "Anyways... This mentor—" She pointed to the first red line on her arm, "She assigned me to try to get close to you—"

"So, we were never even friends to begin with, brilliant!" I laughed, shooting a glare at her as I slowly began to reach for my wand.

"No—No! We were friends—we ARE, you've got to believe me there, it's just complicated how it begun!"

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now