A Girl's Night

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twenty-Eight
A Girl's Night

I felt a bit saddened that Vlad and I still weren't talking to each other when dinner time rolled around. At my table sat Arthur and Arin who had bet one ginn each on who could blow the most bubbles into their pumpkin juice and cause it to spill on the table first. The winner ended up being Arin as Arthur couldn't keep up with her impressive lung capacity.

 The winner ended up being Arin as Arthur couldn't keep up with her impressive lung capacity

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"That was my money for the next trip to town." Arthur groaned as he shot the giggling girl pocketing two ginns a death glare.

Even with them here to help me feel less lonely, I still felt saddened as I looked over at the Hets table where Vlad was seated alongside Elizabeta, Bliss, Gage, and Roderich. If only I could hear what they were talking about, perhaps then I'd be able to feel more at ease.

"Hey _______?" Arin cooed from beside me, "What do you think about it?"

"Oh... About what?" I asked, now feeling even worse that I wasn't paying any attention to what she had said in my distraction.

"Tisya's secret girl's night out?" She replied as if that would answer anything.

Seeing my still confusion, she explained again, "The professors are having a dinner with some ministry officials so the only one monitoring the halls tonight is going to be the custodian

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Seeing my still confusion, she explained again, "The professors are having a dinner with some ministry officials so the only one monitoring the halls tonight is going to be the custodian. So, Tisya thought it'd be fun to have a little girl's night on the top of the Ians tower. She asked me to go the other day in class, but I completely forgot about it."

"I'd love to go." I answered without giving it another thought.

Her eyes widened slightly as she must have assumed, I'd have been hesitant about it, but she smiled nonetheless, "Okay, well we can go after we finish eating. I'm not sure what she's got planned, but I do know some of the girls going are a lot older than us."

"Like seventh years?" I commented as I ate some grapes from Arthur's fruit bowl.

She shrugged, "I guess. You know Tisya, though. She has all those clubs so she must be on friendly terms with a lot of different types of students."

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