Darby's Interview

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Thirty-One
Darby's Interview

I felt conflicted on approaching Lucy, but I knew it would be inevitable. Normally, I'd have gone to seek out help from my friends or even the headmaster or professors, but the red mark on my arm and the way I was scolded the last time for taking things into my own hands both told me that wasn't an option right now.

I could hardly sleep as I opted instead to try to figure out what was hidden on school grounds that they could be searching for and who else was aiding Lucy and Arin that day. As I went through the memories, I had over the past few months, nothing that they could be searching for really struck a chord with me.

Lucy was the one with the tarot cards, hence why she was able to figure out my plan with the staining potion, but what about the ingredients she gave me after that stunt? That light blue jelly-like ingredient that was enough for sixteen bottles of gossipmongler potions? Why sixteen? Was this also a test, or did it mean something afterall?

Then, what about that 'debochka' word that one girl said to me? Could that have been a hint to solve an identity? What could the significance of a Russian word meaning, 'girl' have in correlation to this mystery?

Finally, assuming Lucy is after something, why then would she be casting a spell on Antonio to cause him to act loopy and amiss?

That day that I had Antonio following Arthur in the library, was it by any chance her that was going to try to hurt Arthur to threaten me? Was it she who saw Antonio and fled rather than fight? Was she perhaps interested in him romantically and whatever she's casting on him but a harmless love potion so she can get the attention she desires from him and even perhaps have him take her to the dance?

Could the dance have anything to do with the current events?!

All these questions and more flooded my mind, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


Morning came quick and my mind was set on finding Bliss to see if perhaps she was able to just read my mind, so technically I wasn't revealing any information I was told.

Upon finding her however, I was promptly told "That's literally not how any of this works," and was told to take a seat as she went to find and tell Gage that I had gotten myself into a pact on school grounds, which fortunately due to my circumstance of me literally not knowing what was being done until it was done, I was only given an afternoon of cleaning duty, because, in Gage's words, "That's just really dumb of you."

After my morning scolding, the two argued back and forth as to what they should do so I could reveal the information I was told without directly stating so, since that would in turn, put the curse into effect

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After my morning scolding, the two argued back and forth as to what they should do so I could reveal the information I was told without directly stating so, since that would in turn, put the curse into effect.

"We have to get the professors involved." Said Bliss apprehensively.

"But the headmaster yelled at me the last time that I tried doing things my way! They're going to think I purposely sought this out!" I explained.

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now