Program in the Making

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Six
Program in the Making

"Ah — hi!" I tried, only to be interrupted by the girl's joyful laughter, "Vladdie, I spent my entire summer in the nogift world, it was so bizarre, but I traveled all over with my parents."

"Oh, that's nice!" Vladimir replied, captivated by her, "It was," she laughed, "What'd you do?"

"Well I —"

"Oh! Tell me over dinner, yeah? I'm STARVING!" She exclaimed, wrapping an arm around his arm.

As she moved out of the way, Vladimir's eyes landed on me and as if dazed, he gave a meek smile, "_______?"

"What?" Analie wondered, following the trail of his eyes onto me.

"Ah, ______!" Vladimir repeated more urgently.

"What is it?" I asked wearily trying to avoid eye contact with the girl.

"Do you want to come with us?" He asked, looking a bit 'out of it,' the girl seemed to be interested in my response as much as him.

"Oh," I paused for a second too long and the girl took charge, "Vladdie~, can't you tell she's exhausted? Look at her eyes. Come on, you can introduce us tomorrow, Kay?"

She jumped back into his field of vision and once again Vladimir seemed overly enthused by her, "Yeah, okay, bye then." He said towards me while keeping his eyes on hers.

I furrowed my brows unsure of how to properly express my surprise and utter annoyance at the disrespect that girl had. And Vladimir — what the hell was that?

Hell. Why the hell am I so bothered by that? I thought to myself as I watched them disappear into the dining hall.

"Young love, huh?" Someone sang coolly in my ear.

Before I could take in who said that, my fight or flight kicked in and I swung my arm around to slap the personal space intruder away. However, as they fell back with a "Mierda-" and collapsed onto the floor, I realised who it was I had just slapped.

"Ah, crap!" I cursed, "You scared me, are you okay?" I asked, wanting her to not mention this to anyone, especially Gage who already seemed to have many reasons in his head to dislike me.

"Ah, crap!" I cursed, "You scared me, are you okay?" I asked, wanting her to not mention this to anyone, especially Gage who already seemed to have many reasons in his head to dislike me

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(I can't tell you enough how much I love this page out of every page I've done so far.)

After letting out a groan, she propped back up as if she hadn't just received a blow to the side of her head, "I'M OKAY!" She shouted proudly, only to mutter something lowly under her breath as she looked around.

After letting out a groan, she propped back up as if she hadn't just received a blow to the side of her head, "I'M OKAY!" She shouted proudly, only to mutter something lowly under her breath as she looked around

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(I swear I recheck these drawings a lot so I can be sure I don't miss a detail in a character's design -- but here I am, having messed up my own character and forgetting her bobbypins ;0; )

"Ah - okay, that's good, Bliss!" I exclaimed, turning back around as if I'd see Vladimir there, but he wasn't.

"I was wondering when she'd arrive," Bliss commented, following my gaze, "if I were you, I probably wouldn't worry about it. She's a nymph who can manipulate people with her gaze -- if she had any personality, she wouldn't be relying on that, don'tcha think?"

"Wait - what? A nymph?" I asked, remembering I had heard that before.

"Her sister, that's who you met if you're remembering a nymph!"

I frowned as I turned away, "It's not very healthy to converse with others by reading their minds instead of waiting for them to speak for themselves."

"But it is faster for me... Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that in case you felt that your boyfriend was being stolen from you!" She spoke as if what she was saying was normal to say and not at all intrusive or impolite.

"He's NOT my boyfriend!" I shouted, feeling my face was heat up, whether it was anger at how everyone was acting all of a sudden or embarrassment from her words, or even a mix of the two, I didn't care. I just wanted all talk about him to stop right now.

Rolling my eyes, I turned back to face Bliss, but she pressed her lips together as she took a step back, "I'm not reading your mind, I swear!" Which is exactly what she would've said if she had been reading my mind since I was just about to tell her to stop.

She looked over at the door which was slowly growing quiet as the night invaded the sky, "Oh, I actually came to ask you if you could help us out tomorrow with a new program. I just got distracted."

"What program?" I asked, wanting to become distracted myself to forget about that rude girl, "and why me?"

"It's a big brother - big sister program, it's for older kids to help mentor young kids. I thought you might be interested in it since you know... Everything that happened with Hayden could have been avoided if you had someone looking out for you." She said quietly.

I didn't know what to say, but I felt the anger inside of me disappear for a split second before returning to me twice as hard, "Gage... He looked out for me and everything still went south. A program isn't going to do anything but -"

"Not everyone gets to become one, and there are intense interviews with teachers to join... And it still needs some work, but if you join, you'll get every other Friday cleared of classes so you can be with your assigned little brother or sister." She said, speaking quickly and more confidently so I wouldn't interrupt her.

She paused only for a second to see my reaction before she bowed her head, "Please just think it over. If you want to help, everyone I've gathered so far will be in the library tomorrow, before the Welcoming Ceremony. Good-bye!" And with a smile, she turned and skipped over towards Elizabeta who was heading into the dining hall.

Not wanting to go into the dining hall because of who was in there right now, and still not feeling hungry after having dealt with Analie, I let out a sigh as I made my way towards my dormitory to sleep today's events off. Tomorrow would be a busy day with all these new faces here.

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