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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Fifteen

The following four days went by slow besides the fact that we were all more alert than they could possibly know. On the fifth day after meeting with those three in three restrooms, I was finally taken to the headmaster's office alongside the seventh year Etals prefect, Gupta Hassan.

He didn't say much, but upon arrival, I quickly understood the situation.

Before us stood the headmaster and Professor Hyenni, between them and us, sat a small girl whose face and clothes were stained a bright purple.

I sat in the seat beside her but never once took my eyes off her as the headmaster begun, "Welcome, _______, I'm sure you're quite familiar with Miss Persephone here, yes?"

I nodded sternly at her. She looked shaken and as if she had been crying.

"We've called you here on account that she personally asked you here for support," began the professor, "It seems she's fallen victim to bullying by the other students – I'm not entirely sure what kind of charm was cast on her to cause such an appearance, but we're working on getting to the bottom of it. She was discovered by Mrs. Hyenni in her own classroom though, so perhaps it could have been a spell cast incorrectly..."

"Well Headmaster, you should've called Professor Wellx here because it was a potion that did this." I explained, shooting a knowing glare at her.

"Is that so?" Asked the professor. Persephone's brows raised as she glanced over at me.

"Yes. I'm sure of it. See the potion that caused this really is just purple dye mixed into pufferash and lizard juice to give it that nice explosion when opened up – but maybe Persephone can explain to you in better detail as to why she would come across that very potion I gave to the people who hurt Alfred and Dylan in the first place!"

"You – You made the potion?" Professor Hyenni asked whilst the Headmaster gave a small frown in my direction and asked, "You gave them a potion you knew would be used on another student?"

"I made the potion to help catch them, Headmaster—"

"So, despite the warnings given, you went out of your way and met with them without informing anyone else about said meeting – to hand off a potion?" She pressed.

"I knew I wasn't going to be in any danger though!" I hissed, wondering why she wasn't more focused on the fact that Persephone was the guilty one.

"Not you, perhaps," She agreed, "but as you saw last time, whoever these students are, they have managed to put not only two students in the hospital wing, but also a professor."

"I know, but—"

"Whether they do not mean to hurt you, they still have all the intentions and the lack there of morals to hurt other students which you are close to in order to manipulate you. Despite this knowledge having gone through your consideration, you still went forth, putting yourself at risk in order to try to solve a problem that one student alone cannot solve?" She asked, heated.

"I... I wanted to figure out who they were. And because of my potion, we know Persephone is involved with them." I explained, feeling my face heat up.

"Miss Persephone is a first year whose father is the most controversial figurehead in our government department, are you aware of that, Miss _____?"

"Yes, but—"

"Yes? So why then would you so suddenly suspect Persephone to be guilty of anything other than a difficult position in which she cannot even trust the very person put in place to mentor her?" Shouted the Headmaster in a rage I hadn't seen in a person since I had arrived here.

Though I was standing from the adrenaline running through me, I took a seat.

Professor Hyenni rushed out to fetch Professor Wellix as the Headmaster proceeded with my punishment of helping polish the entire library floor everyday for the following week along with losing my position in the BBBS program and losing Persephone as the kid I was supposed to mentor.


I couldn't find it in me to really talk to anyone about what had happened, but like a wildfire, the news of my punishment did spread, most horribly to Analie who wouldn't stop talking about it whenever I passed by.

Even with her jokes however, it felt worse knowing that I had put Arthur in danger all on a whim that the four from the bathroom were to use the potion on themselves rather than someone else.

As I headed around the library with the floor polish and mop for the third day, I couldn't help but begin to question myself if Persephone was innocent after all and if she really had fallen victim to some sort of sick prank or elaborate bullying.

Of course, if those were bullies, there's no way they could have known about my special potion. It was brewed to perfection and their meetings with me were too elaborate to all be for nothing. Surely, they had meant to do something with her and that potion... but what?

I let out loud sigh as I shifted around, pushing the mop back into the heavy bucket of polish and water mix before I noticed someone looking at me with a curious expression from a table nearby.

Thinking it was my sigh that distracted them, I bowed my head and muttered an apology before continuing. After a few minutes however, I could still feel their glances up at me every now and again so I finally let out another exaggerated sigh before turning to ask in a defensive tone, "Can I help you?"

The boy who looked to be slightly older than I waved his hand flustered, "No – no!" He stood up however and straightened himself out, "It's just – you're that _______ that stained that first-year purple, aren't you?" He laughed, but my face only grew hotter in anger and embarrassment that that's what people now knew me as. Not the girl who helped take down Hayden Gold, but rather the girl who hates first years and dyes them colours.

"I really don't mean anything of it, though – it's just my mother, she talks about you a lot... Not in a good way, but I really don't think that's the worst thing someone can do to a person." He spoke, trying to reassure me.

"Well no offence but tell your mom to mind her own business. What does she know anyways?" I hissed out, turning away to continue my mopping.

He laughed lightly but didn't really seem to mind the jab, "I can assure you she knows a fair bit –" the boy skipped over, stepping in front of me where I had been mopping and stretched out his hand towards me with a grin, "my name's Darby! Darby Hyenni, fourth year Ailat!"


IT WONT BE A NORMAL THING!! I'll have drawings soon I swear lol but I had already written these parts and I wanted to put them out ASAP to keep the story flowing for y'all, so enjoy!! <33333

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