Lin Choi

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Lin Choi

When morning came, I still felt upset inside from my fight with Vladimir the night before.

No matter how solid the proof against Analie and her sister was, he was adamant there was no correlation. Though, I wondered how much of that doubt came from loyalty to them rather than evidence.

Regardless of what it was, as I awoke the next morning around eight, I saw most of the beds in the room were empty, the rest that were left over were like me and staying during the break. There really weren't a lot of us.

I washed up and headed out for breakfast, something that was rather uneventful as I ate by myself. Around eleven, all the students going home gathered up in the entrance hall with their trunks to get counted before being allowed to head into the town over where the train would arrive at around one.

I remained alone until around noon when Gage, who was assisting in maintaining order with the crowd of excited students alongside the other prefects, broke free long enough to find me at my table in the dining hall where I sat reading a book to pass the time.

He looked exhausted as he took a seat across from me and took a swig of the drink that quickly appeared as he sat.

"Have I ever mentioned to you that you should never become a school prefect, _______?" He whined.

I nodded, concealing laughter as he added, "We get to stay in town until three as a reward for babysitting right now, so Bliss told me to tell you to tag along."

"I don't really care to go, though, I'm not really in the mood." I responded.

He shrugged, "Guess you don't care to see the big breakthrough we have."

"What breakthrough?" I quickly asked.

"In the case, of course. Anyways, I doubt you'll be allowed to go... unless you happened to have an invisibility cloak tossed over you on the way there... Not that I would suggest you doing that, but if you did –" he leaned ever so slightly closer, "I do happen to have one in the trunk of my dorm."

>If you're in any House other than Etals

"The password to override the riddle you have to answer to get in is Entrando, make a wand motion like an E to enter." And he leaned back, glancing over at the hallway of students that begun exiting the building.

He sat up and stretched out before letting out some inaudible curses and heading back towards the hall to continue helping. Meanwhile, I was left with the dilemma to run to the Etals house to find his cloak and to catch up with the group before they completely left without me.

I jumped up, tossing my book into my satchel and made a dash for the dormitory hall on the other end of the building.

It took me four minutes to run there, pull my wand out and cast the spell he told me to cast on the door twice before finally getting it right on the third time and entering the house.

>If you're in Etals House

"You'll have probably fifteen minutes before we're completely gone yanno." He motioned to the hall of moving kids with his head before standing up and stretching out.

Frowning at the short notice, I jumped to my feet and made a dash for our house

It took four minutes of pushing my way through the crowded hall before I was finally able to make it to my house and enter inside.

>Continue here!

Once inside, I saw that besides a few scattered seventh years, there didn't seem to be anyone else inside. Ignoring them, I glanced over at the door that lead to the boy's rooms. I tried to make myself smaller as I ducked my head down and quickly shuffled over.

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now