Chapter 1 : "No, otherwise I'll look old."

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To all you angels out there. Always have faith in God ;3


"Amanda Miller! Wake up! I called you for the 10th time already!" My mom yells from down stairs. -Gaahhh!!! I don't wanna wake up.- Now that I remember, summer break is over and that means I have school today. -Damn it!-

I look at the time. '7:30am' First day of school and I'm already late! I immediately jump out of my bed, hastily comb my hair, wear my black Pullover and black Jeans. -Yes, I am not stylish, especially for school. I like my comfortable lose clothes.-

I walk straight to the kitchen and spot my mom drinking from her 'Happy' cup, which is filled with coffee, I guess. She's sitting alone next to the table with her cup in her hands, wearing her purple dressing gown and she has 3 big hair rolls on her bangs and bobby short-blonde hair. -She really looks stunning with her slim figure and youthful look. You can really see that she's a designer model. I'm jealous of my mom, I mean how come I get to look more like my dad? With my dark hair and average look. Sepaking of him...- As predicted, dad already left earlier. He works as a Police Officer and rarely spends time with us, but that's okay since we're used to it.

I give her my usual good morning kiss on her cheek and grab a bowl to pour my cereal. After I finished adding the milk, I hastily eat.

My mom looks at me from head to toe. "Honey. It's the first day of school. Shouldn't you wear something... umm... more fashionable? I could lend you some of my clothes." -Seriously mom?-

I shake my head and stuff myself with cereal. "No, otherwise I'll look old."

Mom immediately shoots me a dead glare, crosses her arms and huffs. She dramatically gasps. "AMANDA! HOW COULD YO-"

-Yeah. She hates my jokes.-
I grin and stand up to kiss her cheek.
"Sorry mom. Just teasing you."

In return she playfully punches my arm. "Silly girl~" I shrug and head to the bathroom.

After I brushed my teeth, I walk to the front door, wear my daily sneakers and was about to head out, but a familiar voice prevents me from doing so.

"Sis?" I turn around and see my little 5 year old brother Miles. There's a slight of concern in his crystal clear grey eyes. As the 'Millers' we are known for having this strange eye colour.

"Come home early, okay?" I gently hug him. -He doesn't attend kindergarden everytime, since he's unsocial like me. But he has it way worse, because he is really afraid of people.-

"Promise! I'll be going, bye." -I really hate leaving him alone.-

I walked out from my house and immediately spot Courtney Brooke, my bestie, leaning impatiently on her red car.

She senses my presence and yells "AMY! HURRY! WE'LL BE LATE!" -Oh great.-

I rush towards her car and take a sit. Courtney is looking flawless as always. Her blonde, wavy hair match those mesmerising green almond eyes and her blue dress, reveals her athletic body, which makes her look even better. I can't compete to Courtney. I have this "dark as my soul" hair, dull grey eyes and believe it or not, I'm kinda chubby contrary to her.

She stares at my outfit then shakes her head."Those don't suit you at all! Why do you hide those curves of yours and what's up with that pale look? Where are your glasses?" -Ahh! Too many questions for a ride.-

I face palm myself, breath in and forcefully answer. "I like my cosy outfit, since I don't like short or fitted clothes. I don't wanna go to school and I forgot my glasses." The rest of our drive remained silent and fast.


Surprisingly we just made it on time. -We arrived hell.,.- I see new faces, new couples and I am. As expected most of the girls look like they are going for a date and guys are showing off their muscles, thanks to their glow up. -Ugh! I feel like I'm the only one, who is stuck in the year 2000.-

"Amy, we need to go shopping tomorrow." Courtney says as we walk through the hallway. -Where did that come from?-

I sigh. "No, I don't want to change my style."

She rolls her eyes then points at a guy, who is taking things out from his locker. She starts rambling about guys like him, who might be jerks after one date and so on. -He doesn't look bad at all, but through out her rambling and taking him as an example, I feel sorry about him.-

When I didn't agree with her, she started pointing at other boys again, which reminds me of last year. - Court used to arrange dates for me, but I never went. I mean, why would she even do that? I met boys from Nerd to Jocks and I honestly never found interest in one...Except for one and that is Charles Moores. -

"Look at him, isn't he hot?" Despite her having Nathan, her boyfriend, she still checks on guys.

"Court, please. What did I tell you about dating? School first! Work after that! And then I will probably look for one." I say, as we passed by a group of guys staring at 'us'. -More like spacing out thanks to Courtney, looking like a female greek goodness.-

We arrived at our biology class. No one seemed to have noticed, that we're kinda late. I check for free seats and the only ones that were free, were the ones near a weird guy, whom I have never seen before. A new Student I suppose.

-Well... not exactly weird, but mysterious? I don't know how to describe it. He could be an 'Instagram' model. If you know what I mean.-

His chin is resting on his right palm, while he stares blankly at the window. -He looks bored and shows no emotion... quite weird.-  I silently walk towards him, followed by Courtney behind me and take a sit. He doesn't seem to have noticed us yet.

I carefully check him out, cause why not? I spot multiple of rings on his fingers,  tattoos on his arms which is going till his neck, his black hair covers his right eye. Only his left blue eye an be seen. He has redish lips with a ring, well revealing muscles, looks intimidating and... -Oh crap! I've been staring for too long.-

Courtney smirks, winks then tilts her head at the guy's direction. I raise my eyebrows as she quickly looked away. I turn around and hastily regret it. -Why do things like this always happen to me?!-

He's looking back at me with his chin still resting on his right palm. I quickly turn to look at my desk and pretend to take my books out. I can still sense his eyes focused on every single move I make and it feels like I am a mouse, trapped in a snake's trap.

-'Look somewhere else DAMMIT!' WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS WHEN YOU NEED THEM?!...There's only one way out...-

My mom used to tell me: "When things get awkward, try to find a distraction. For example talk to them... blablabla-"

Okay, I'm going to be honest. I didn't quite listen to her at that time. Now I kinda regret it.

"Hi?..." I quietly mumble, hoping things don't turn out much more awkwardly.

Unluckily, the mysterious guy seems to not have heard me and continues staring at me. -ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?! WHAT SHOULD I DO?! SHOULD I REPEAT IT?!...-

Our teacher finally came in, after a long freakin' minute and we thankfully dove straight into our lesson. Even though, biology lesson has already started, it still feels like he's staring at me. Court is making obvious smirks, making it much more worse. -It can't be anymore obvious, now can it?!- I try to peek at him and I catch him looking at me again.

As our eyes meet, he holds a long eye contact. -Get off! Oh, please get your eyes off me!!!- He soon looks away from me and thank god, I feel relieved. Lesson learned, I won't stare at attractive people anymore.

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