Chapter 15: "Your face is enough to make me smile."

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"You're are so lucky!!! Ughh!!!" Courtney whines and opens her locker.

"Why is that?" I lean on the other locker and she grunts.

"Stop acting stupid! Didn't you payed attention on how Raven was looking at you? T-that time when he ditched that bitch?" She nearly squeals.

"Courtney! You have Nathan! You are actually very lucky to have a relationahip with a nice guy!" I like Nathan. He's really sweet and kind towards her. They are my OTP! He's kinda rich, has that typical american handsome look and is a great young man! Someone who really treasures her!

She snickers and makes a duckface. "I know~ my baby is making me happy and so, but I mean yours is... rare! A guy or even two-" I knitt my eyebrows.

Her arms are up in the air and looks at me innocently. "What?" I roll my eyes and she grins.

"What are ya talking 'bout?" Crystal stands beside me and smiles.

"About Rav-" I cover my talkactive bestfriends mouth and she licks my hand.

"EWW COURTNEY!" I grab a tissue out of my pocket and started to wipe my licked hand.

She giggles and Crystal raises one eyebrow. "Long story." I sigh and she snickers.


After music I have history class. Courtney has biology and Crystal has maths. That means, we are seperated.

I walk into the class and see other students from parallel classes. I don't see Joe. He has been missing for a week. Everyone seems to get along with each other, again. I spot a free seat at the end row and forcefully take a seat. I'm not a nerd, but I dislike the fact sitting behind during lessons. Sometimes I can't catch up, since others from the end row chatter.

I hear the chair beside me getting pulled. Someone took a seat. Something smells familliar... like Axe cologne. I secretly check the person out. He wears black jeans and a plain grey shirt. I see a few quote tatoos on his arm and a dog tag. I tried to peek more, but his eyes already meet mine. BLAKE!

I can see his wry and playfully smile around his lips. If only he weren't such a narcissist, I might have blushed.

"Hey." That raspy voice again!

"Hi..." I awkwardly try to look away. He notices it and leans closer.

"Saw you yesterday." He places his arm around my seat and leans back.
I gulp and he chuckles. "Want me to make a report to the headmaster?"

-This guy!!!- I sit up straight and look at him.

He widens his eyes for a moment, but then smirks. -Such a player!- "If it's because of Harper,then no, I didn't start the fight. She thought I was trying to steal you away from her. And-..." He's laughing. -For real now?...- "What? I didn't say anything funny." I raise an eyebrow.

"Your face is enough to make me smile." -HUH?!- I roll my eyes and turn away from him. -I really hate this guy!- He clears his throat then places a hand on my back.

"Hey, sorry okay?" I notice his grin. -He doesn't mean it!- I look back at my paper and start drawing doodles on it. I suppose he's looking at my art, unless he wouldn't be snickering right now. "Are you mad?"

"What kind of a question is that?! Of course I am!" I bark and he sighs.

"Want me to make it out?" -What is going on now?!-

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