Chapter 71:"You make me sound like a loner."

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"Yow. How long are you going to punch that bag?" I stop my right jab, before my fist touches the leather bag. I slowly turn to the british man behind me. He's slouching on the bank, silently looking at me. -I know, I've said this a lot of times, but why the hell is he always with me?- "Why are Blake's and Charles' faces on it?" He asks.

-Long story... I just happened to be drawing their faces for my punching bag, as a motivation of course. My jabs, hooks and punching strength have improved a lot through it.-

"Wanna trade places?" I raise my eyebrows at his unimpressed face.

"You're acting so aggressive lately." Lance mutters and stands up. "Since when did you become such a coward?" -Is he serious right now?-

"What do you mean?"

"You get provoked easily."

"Stop defining yourself."

"Hey! I'm trying to be serious over here!" He raises his voice and crosses his fat arms.

"Well, you failed." I snort a laughter. -This is just our daily routine. He tries to act like a big brother and fails miserably, because I criticize him way too fast.-

"Listen, you sleepy fuck! I can guess damn well of what happened, in other words, there's no point in hiding things behind me."

I roll my eyes and remove my gloves. "Why do you need to know it?"

"I'm your male gossip girl, okay? I fucking need to know what's going on." He confesses, making me smirk.

"Good to know."


"You sure?"

"Oh fuck off."

"You said it yourself though."

"Fuck you!" Just like that he throws his hands to the air and leaves my basement. -simple right?-


After taking a shower, I find my squad casually hanging out in my living room. All the boys are here, except for the girls, since they planned some things together.

Dash and Kim are on the couch, watching Netflix, along with Troy and Christopher.

On the edge Is Lance, typing on his smartphone. -I swear, this boy has an addiction for it.-

Kace is literally lying on the other sofa, smiling all widely at his phone -Another moron, trying to act like today's teenagers.-

I walk pass them, straight to my kitchen and find a troubled young adult sitting on a chair.

"What's the matter?" I ask Sam as I head to the fridge.

He sighs, yet doesn't look away from his phone. "Nothing much."

I grab two cans of energy drink out, take a sit and hand him one. "Crystal." I mumble, making him finally look at me.

His blue eyes sparkle a bit. His lips are apart and I realise that his eyes slightly widened. "A-am I that obvious?" -Bingo! From the first day she came into our group, I already knew something is up with them.-

I open my can and take a sip. "Kinda. I mean, it's just natural. She's a nice person."

"Yeah, she's amazing." His cheek light up a bit with a smile on his face.

"Why don't you tell her?"

The smile around his lips vanishes, after I spit that out. "I can't."

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