Chapter 13: "ALL HAIL SAM GORDON!!!"

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"Suspended for a week huh? Lucky shit!" Lance sighs, as he takes a sip from his Oreo shake. " I swear! How many times did this happen already? Your 15th already?"

"14th."I admit, like that would make any difference. -I had my reasons, okay?- "Don't you have better things to do? What are you doing here?"

Right after work, I headed straight to Starbucks. -Who would've known, that I'd meet Lance here.-

"I could ask you the same thing." He adds back as he sips on his shake, looking like a bitch. -Upps, sorry not sorry... He's right tho, what the hell am I doing here? Distraction perhaps? After Jogging I headed straight to 'Starbucks'.-

"Had nowhere else to go. Didn't know I'd bumped into you, you useless shit." I glare at him as he annoyingly slurps the last drops.

He notices me staring at him and rolls his eyes, then leans forward to snatch my shake away. "Don't even think about it!" -There are a lot things I hate. One is stealing my food!- I give him another glare and he hands it back.

"Sorry, you insecure Shit!" His phone suddenly buzzes and he takes a look at it. -People these days, I wonder what the world would look like, when Internet shuts off.-

"Crystal wants to meet up... Along with your girl~" He wiggles his eyebrows and I kick his legs underneath the table.-Fucking bitch! I hate his guts!...Why would Amanda skip school?-

"Imma call Dash and the rest." Lance taps on his phone and ignores the fact, that I kicked his leg. "You should call Troy over too. Looks like he's bored at home." He shows me a pic from Troy's Snapchat. It shows a can of Pringles and consoles on a table, with a discription :" Borreeeddd" underneath it.

-This generation really is ... I don't know anymore. What's the point of social media?-

Lance creepily smirks at his phone, causing me to cringe. - I wonder, what this pervert found... Wait, he looks different today...- His face looks ugly as always, that isn't something special. His body is thick, muscles and fat mixed up. "I noticed, something different about you." I then say as I spot it. He looks up and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Oh yeah? Noticed how hot and awesome I am? Wow, took you long. Sorry bro, I'm straight tho~" I roll my eyes as he flutters himself. -Idiot...-

"Oh, Fuck off! What's up with your new hairstyle? Your hair sure grows fast." -Why the heck did he dye it, black?-

"The power of beauty I'd say~" He wiggles his eyebrows, but soon stops, when he noticed that I am not laughing, just glaring. "Why aren't you happy? Now, we look like brothers!" He leans forward to ruffle my hair.

I swat his dirty hands away. "Shithead!" -The thought of him being my 'brother' ... Hell nah!-

"Asshead!" He barks back, then we grin at each other. -Daily routine.-


Shortly, we all gathered in McDonald's, because Lance and Troy wanted to. They eat food with high calories, but don't get fat that easily. I really am jealous about that. Meanwhile, Amanda's friend, Courtney, gets bombed by flirty jackasses, including Lance. -He is Lance. I can't find any other way to insult him, except for using his name.-

"So, you basically just skipped school, because of Crystal's mess?" Dash asks and the man-girl groans.

"Use your ears Romeo! So that we don't have to repeat our stories!" She replies.

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