Chapter 105:"I love you too."

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I'm sitting inside Lance's car. We are heading to the hospital.

-I don't know what to say... I am just happy that everything turned out well... We got told, that Raven will survive the shot and that made me much more relieved. I don't want to admit it, but I kept crying for days... Raven means a lot to me. More than I ever thought I would... Isaac, whose real name is 'Alessandro Ricci' got into America's safest prison' for lifetime. He is a sick murderer, made illegal business and could be very dangerous, one day.-

- As for the squad and my dad, who was obviously not pleased with this situation...I managed to talk them out from prison and begged my dad to forgive them. It was hard at first, since I had to hear him yell hurtful words at me, like being careless and foolish. But he eventually stopped and pulled me into a hug, saying that he will do anything for me... I love my dad.... He said, that the squad will be protected by him and that he won't out them to court. Instead of warning them, he decided to recruit some of them into the FBI, since he believes that they could help him. To my surprise, he also said that he will recruit Raven, once he is healed.-

"Please, don't get mad at Raven." The broad man suddenly says. "It is my fault that he was illegally joining underground fights. You see, he needed money to support his family and I had the idea to that he would work with me."

-It seems like Lance is trying to take the responsibility for all of this.-

I just smile at him. "I'm not mad. I understand why he did that, don't worry."

I spot how the corner of his mouth slowly lift up. "Thank you."

-Weird. Lance is acting matured somehow. It is giving me the creeps. When he is with he squad, he acts immature and everyone bullies him. Right now, he is like a trustworthy man.-

"I have a question." I say and he looks at me.

"Go ahead."

"Why do you play immature around the squad?" I blush as he raises his eyebrows. "D-Don't get me wrong! I just-"

He laughs and I stop talking. "You really saw through me."

"I'm sorry..." I embarrassingly say.

He shakes his head and keeps his eyes on the road. "Let me tell you our story... Raven, Sam and Kim were already friends, since kindergarden. They used to live in Liverpool too, until one day they had to move to New York. As for me, I decided to just tag along and soon our family came to the City. I met Dash and Kace in the cinema. They used to fight over what I suppose was popcorn and it ended up badly. They were punching each other and kinda managed to hit me. I wasn't pleased at all and punched them back. Somehow, we became friends. Our squad grew, when Kace introduced Blair and she introduced us to Crystal... Everyone seemed kinda depressive, because of their past...I had to find a way to make them laugh somehow. Since I'm one of the eldest, I thought: 'Why not act like an idiot? It would make them feel better, even though I would sink low for that'... "

I catch myself smiling as he chuckles. -He is so sweet. So, he changed his character just for them...-

-I see. It all started like that... Dash and Kace started a fight... sounds pretty much like them.-

I laugh and wipe the tears out of my eyes. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"

Lance shrugs his shoulders and grins. "Welcome to our squad."

After a while we stay silent. I stare at the window bad wonder, how Raven is doing. I just hope he recovered. -As for Lance... he is really-...-

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