Chapter 44: "I swear on my life, I am a virgin."

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Seems like my ass is going to be saved. Problem is, if she'll hold onto those rules I've told her....


2 days ago

"Rule numero uno: 'Don't fall in love with me.' I know it's hard, but try not to~" I playfully say and wiggle my eyebrows at her. -Gosh! I'm such a dick!-

She flushes and looks away from me. "Don't worry, not gonna happen." She states and I widen my eyes at her. -This girl... she's the first one to deny this attractive sex symbol.-

"Aha? Are you sure about that? The last time I've checked, it seems like girls need me."

She squints her eyes at me and I giggle. "Haha... how funny."

"Rule number two: 'Don't ever leave my side.' It'll be a pain in the ass, if I have to make sure that you're safe next to me." I glare at her and she nods.

"Got ya." She says and I grin. -I know this sounds kinda sadistic and possessive, but I honestly enjoy this.-

"Rule number three: 'If you don't follow my rules, You're dead.' I mean, I can do it the other way round. Follow my rules and you'll get some of me." -I don't know why I find this so funny.-

She glares at me and shakes her head. "You're so obsessed with yourself."

I wink and she sighs out loud. "You're obsessed with me too, admit it babe."
She widdens her eyes and flushes. -Awww... What's wrong with me?! - "I see. Looks like you need to get used to those cozy names."


Right now, I'm standing infront of her mansion. -Why? Because I have to fucking meet her parent's first. It's better to inform them first, before they see our pictures spread by the media, cuz of fucking paparazzis... Now, I get why 'Lady Gaga' wrote a song for those bitches. -

I sigh and ring the bell. -I never really had the Talk... so I'm quite nervous...- After a few minutes, a woman with bobby blonde hair and grey-blue eyes appears infront of me. -Weird, she looks nothing like her.- She is looking at me. Good thing, I am wearing a white long sleeve button up shirt. According to Cupcake, her parent's are strict when it comes to fashion style.

I wear my best filmstar smile for her. -Hey, atleast I'm not faking it.- "Good evening, Mrs. Miller. I'm Blake Cohen. I'm sorry for showing up so suddenly." I place my right hand infront for a shake and she immediately grabs it. She smiles genuinely at me, which reminds me of mom.

"Oh! I've heard a lot about you. Where are my mannes! Come in, come in!" She pulls me inside her house. -That was quick.- I hand her the roses I've brought along with a coffee set. She flushes. "Thank you." -Now I know where she got that from.-

"You're welcome." I smile back. A tall and buffed man, walks down the stairs.

"Who is it, Adelaide?" His husky voice already reveals how strict he is. His wise grey eyes are on me. -He looks exactly like her. Oh shit...-

"Heathen, this is Blake Cohen." The beautiful lady says beside me.

The man raises an eyebrow at me. "Cohen? The one, who's dad owned a company?" -owned... Past tense...-

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