Chapter 32: "...because I care for you."

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-3 weeks passed already, yet it feels like I've known Raven, Blake and all the others for long. I don't describe myself as a social person, but ever since I've met them, I noticed how open I became towards others. I think it's, because of the way they treat me. Come to think of it, Charles spontaneously came into our school and finally talked to me. I'm still confused tho. Charles might still be mad of me, because of Raven... UGH! Everything suddenly changes and I need to get used to it. First I meet a random guy, who seems to be perfect at everything, next I meet his ex bestfriend, who's a jerk and a genius, then my crush notices me!... Crap! I'm lost in my thoughts again! -

"Sissy, can you help me draw a flower?" Miles is sitting on the floor and seems focused in his painting. His thumb and fingers are slung tightly around a blue pen as he carefully moves his arm. -One thing didn't fully change. I must be really blessed to have him.-

He looks up to me and stares for a second. "Why are you smiling?" -Oh am I?- I wouldn't have noticed that, if he didn't tell me.

I step out of my comfort zone, I mean the sofa, grab a pen and sit next to him. I immediately look at his drawing. - I'm amazed by how creative this 5 year old boy is. I mean, who draws a cowboy with sandals and all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in a boat? A flower taller than a human? And watermelon around the boat?- I chuckle and he looks confused at me. His tiny fingers grab a pen and tries following the way I draw.

Soon our doorbell rings and I stand up to open up. -No, I can't yell at my parent's and tell them to open it instead. Weird, who could it be?- I slowly bend the door handle and spot a familiar tall figure.

He's tall, blonde and has sparks in his crystal blue eyes. -CHARLES! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!- He stares for a while and his lips slightly curve up, as he greets me. "Hey... It's been a while." I nod and instantly regret acting too fast.


To my surprise he chuckles then hands me a paper bag. "Here. My mom told me to bring over some of her homemade lasagne. She was excited I think and cooked too much." I take the bag, still unable to speak. He raises an eyebrow at me and places his right hand behind his neck and gives me that puppy look. "I guess, all you're going to do now is just nod around me?"

I internally face palm myself and flush again. -Gosh! I'm so stupid!- "N-no, I mean...err...thank you." I hear him laughing again.


Thankfully my mom yells from down stairs and eased the awkwardness. "Who's down there, honey?" -Saved by mom, I guess?-

"It's Charles. He brought something." I say back and mom hurries down the stairs to greet our guest. As always, Charles and his manners never fail to flatter mom.

-Well, not only mom to be honest...-


Mom somehow managed to persuade Charles to stay. Miles doesn't seem happy having him around, even tho he tries his best to get to know him better. It's kind of weird, how my brother instantly liked Raven, whom he just met, than Charles, who's been our neighbour since we moved in.

As for my dad, he stepped out of his comfort zone -Cough... Bed and Netflix - as soon as he heared that Charles came to visit. I noticed how close my dad and my childhood crush are. He treats Charles like his own son and he treats dad like his own dad.

-Weird right? Maybe, that's another reason why I fell for him. I thought it would be less of a pain, if they already know each other.-

During dinner, I've been listening to their conversation for a while.

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