Chapter 97:"...I'm the reason why you are hurting!"

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"Hey. Is Charles here?" I ask and smile at Creed after he opened the door.

He smiles and hugs me, making me return it. "Yeah, he's upstairs. Haven't seen you for a while."

-True. I haven't been visiting him lately. Mainly, because Charles and I are always together.-

"Are Mr. and Mrs. Moores here?" I ask first, since it is impolite to just walk inside without greeting them.

He shakes his head. "Nope. They are working."

-I see. They have always been workaholics. Always successful in everything. I really admire them.-

Creed shuts the door. I notice that he changed a lot. He looks taller and broader than the last time I've seen him. -Has he been hitting the gym lately?-

"How have you been doing?" I ask as he leads me inside.

He just shrugs with his shoulders. "Like always. Chilling on my own and roasting my brother 24/7." He winks, making me laugh. -These two.-

"I heard about that." I smile.

We walk upstairs to Charles' room. I was about to knock on the door, but Creed just storms inside.

The room is completely dark. My darling is still laying on the bed though.

-Aww, I would actually jump and snuggle him, if Creed weren't here.-

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" His brother yells and packs the blanket, just to rip it off. -What is going on? So brutal.-

I stare at the sleeping man's muscular back and blush. -I'm not used to this at all... but I admit, I like it...Agh! I feel guilty and embarrassed!-

Charles buries his head underneath his pillow and groans. "...argh... The hell is wrong with you?"

Creed places his index finger to his lips as he winks at me with a smile. "Amanda and I are going to eat out. Hope you don't mind." He then says and to my surprise Charles lifts his head up. He sends him the most scariest dead glare he has ever shown me.

-I admit, it suits him though. He looks really hot, when he does that.-

"I'll give you 3 seconds to leave this room now."

Creed smiles at me and then stares at the glaring man. "What if not?"

Charles spontaneously stands up and chases his laughing brother out of his room. He then slams the door and sighs as he runs his fingers through his messy hair.

He stays quiet for a while and then turns to look at me. -Something doesn't feel right...-

"Are you alright, love?" I stare at him as he carefully walks towards me.

He gently wraps his arms around my body and rests his head on mine. "Yeah, I'm just really tired." -Makes sense. Dad never let's his teammates rest.-

"I see." I smile and hug him tight.

He hugs me tighter and suddenly asks me a really strange question. "Do you really love me?"

-Is he high or something? What is wrong with him?-

I nervously laugh and blush. "Why do you ask?"

"... because." He quietly mumbles words, almost not able to be heard. I feel his thumbs forming circles around my cheek.

"What was that?" I ask and he suddenly lifts me up. -Huh?!-

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