Chapter 7: "OH LITTLE BRO!"

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-I still can't get rid of what Raven has done! What's wrong with, making friends with a person? Why does he forbid me, Leo and I being friends, just like I am with him? -

Class ended and all I want to do is go straight home. As I walk out of the class I spot Raven. He's leaning on the wall with his hands in the pockets of his jeans and one feet arched to the wall. -Even if he's a jerk, he looks so damn good! AGHH!- He's glaring at me. -Shoot!...-

I tried to hide inside the crowd, but I instantly got dragged out.

He let's go as soon as we got out, but trapped me with his arms on the wall. "What are you doing? LET ME GO!" I bark. -I'm sick of his uhhh 'I'm so nice and all' attitude.-

"Amanda, please hear me out." I look into his begging eyes and cuss myself for being a nice person. I stop shaking him off and keep my eyes narrowed at him. -I really am going to kick his balls if he tries to annoy me!- "Thank you... I'm sorry, I didn't want to argue or something, but I don't want him near you either. Crystal, a friend of mine, had a relationship with him and he used her. When he got what he wanted, he dumped her right away. I couldn't bear seeing that happening to you or anybody again! So, please. Just, just stay away from him. If you want it detailed I could ask Crystal to come and-"

-Aww... he was just worried about me. He doesn't seem like a good liar and right now I have a feeling that he's actually being honest.-

I cut him off with a sudden hug.
" It's okay. Sorry 'bout that too."

-I know it's wrong but the way he talks is just too much. I wanted to hug him. I really regret, judging him too fast. All he wanted was me to be safe.-

He returns my hug and as soon as I let go, the corners of his lips lift up and I grin.

"Thank you. Want to head out and eat something?" He asks and points at his black car.

I grin. "Sure! As an apology from you hurting my wrist."

"I'm sorry." He grabs my hand and looks at my wrist. Then he gently rubs them and sighs, making my spine shiver. -Holy...- I was about to pull it away and tell him that I'm fine, but I get held back.

"OH LITTLE BRO!" A deep voice suddenly yells.

We turn to look at a tall, good-looking and yet shirtless build young man. -If I'm not mistaken, did he just call Raven 'little bro'?-

They both fist bump each other. Raven rolls his eyes. "Stop yelling that ever again! It's embarrassing! Besides don't you have a school to attend?"

"Shut up! I call you whatever I want, wether you like it or not! And I'm gonna skip." he rubs his neck and notices me. He walks towards me, takes my hand and kisses it. -WHAT..-

"I beg your pardon, beautiful. I'm Lance Clarke, but you can call me 'handsome'. " He winks and grins at me. -I can hear his thick accent... British... this is the first time I've met a brit.-

"I-I'm Amanda."I smile back.

"Put some shirt on 'Tarzan' !" Raven murmurs as he rolls his eyes.

Lance smirks and flexes his 10-pack. "Jelly? Ya know, Ladies need some of this~" he winks at some girls and they scream like crazy. -I have to admit, he looks attractive, but so does Raven. I wonder if they are siblings. I mean, the 'Little bro' thing? Is kinda obvious.-

Raven, who seems slightly annoyed, barks. "Ah, you're making me blind! Get that fat ass tummy out of my sight!" He playfully shuts his eyes and waves his hands in a 'choo-choo' gesture.

His friend rolls his eyes then looks at me."Let's head out and do something. Shall we?" He says and grabs me by my waist, leading me away from Raven.

"Lance!" Raven barks in a warning tune. -I have to admit, it sounds sexy when he raises his deep and raspy voice.-

Lance removes his hand off me and lifts them up to a defense pose. "Woah! Easy there, little bro. Didn't know she was yours." -Yours?!-

I blush, while Raven groans as he takes my hand. "Shut up!"

"Come on! Don't leave me alone here little bro!...Think of all the things we both can do-" Lance whines and evily grins at me.

The man beside me, suddenly stops walking. "If you finish that sentence, I will kill you for real."


"So... How did he end up coming with us?" Raven asks as he stares at the road, while driving the car.

Lance is sitting behind the passenger seat with a grin on his face. "Because you need me. You can't resist me! Cuz baby I know you-"

"Lance, look at that!" Raven suddenly says and points at the road.

"Where?" Lance is equally looking excited.

"Your opinion. Do you see it? Me neither. Now, shut up!" Raven says still focused on the road. -What?-

"That doesn't make any fucking sense!" The man behind us yells.

"Just like your existence!" Raven barks back.

I try not laugh, but I couldn't hold it in any longer and so does the rider beside me.

-I really enjoy this. Reminds me of Court and Nath, whenever they fight.-

"Tryna impress beautiful with your words huh? Lemme tell you somthing beauty. Raven, who was 12 years old at that time, had a crush on 'Kesha'. He'd fangirl, whenever one of her songs came up." Lance smirks and leans forward to look at me.

"Atleast I didn't have a crush on 'Hannah Montana', when I was 15 like you did. Now Miley is 'wrecking' a ball." Raven smirks back.

Lance playfully hits Raven's head and pouts. "She is hot tho! And you said it wrong! It's:' I cAMe iN LIKE a WRecKinG BalL'- " He starts singing, while me and the driver laugh at his weird face expressions and false tunes.

-This will be a long ride.-


Autor: I know that the picture doesn't match the way I described Lance. Just imagine him a bit buffer and with a ten pack. ;)

Why is Raven being overprotective?

Who is Lance?

Find out in the next chapter and please don't forget to vote! ;)

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