Chapter 28: "What? This is just as exciting as the UFC fights. "

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I'm walking past the same old ass building. The same old ass People everywhere, the same cold ass air and the same old ass road.... -Yeah, everything is an ass.-

I feel anxious for no fucking reason! Just because I haven't been in school for some days... I saw her hanging out with that Fucking blonde asshole! I decided to take distance, incase they get together... It won't hurt me, right? I mean it's not like I give a fuck to whatever she's doing! She's a fool if she goes for him or Johnson, instead of me. Does she actually know, what she would be missing if she does?

-Shit! I'm fucking done with her!-

Now to my question, what the fuck am I doing in the Central Park Lake? I glance over to the green huge board: 'The Ramble'

A little brat runs infront of me and looks cheerful, running around with a 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle' action figure in his right hand. "Catch me if you can! Stupid Steve!" -His contiguous laughter reminds me of fucking Johnson.- He has curly black hair and dark brown eyes.

Another boy comes running after him. They both look the same, only that the other one is dead ass pissed and stomps all the way towards the other brat. "GIVE ME MICHAELANGELO BACK!!! STEPHEN! I SWEAR, I'M GOING TO BREAK YOUR LEGS IF YOU DON'T GIVE IT BACK NOW!"
I'm assuming they are brothers.

Stephen is running for his damn life and Steve is rampage chasing him. -I'm just watching, incase Stephen trips over his own feet and Steve catches him and really breaks his legs... What? This is just as exciting as the UFC fights. -

Kinda reminds me of Johnson and I, when we were 12 years old. I was always the one chasing him and he would always run miles further than I would. I used to hate the fact that he's always steps ahead of me, but that makes us, us. Both of us were good and bad at some things. I was good at acting, he was bad at acting. I was good at climbing, he was bad at climbing. He was faster and I was slower. He had full points in tests and I would always miss 1 or 2 points before. But that doesn't matter now, I am still better looking than him. It's a true fact. -Why the fuck am I even thinking about this?!-

I shake my thoughts off and lay down on the meadow near the lake. I close my eyes and imagine being in my own world. -Gosh, I forgot how good it feels like, laying in the middle of nowhere. The breeze running through your whole body, the light sunbeams warming you up that don't burn you and listening to the birds chirping. It feels like you're the only Person in the world, as you shut the whole crowd out. I could live in a world like that. No problems, no stress and no more pain... -

"Blake!" Tyler 's fucking annoying voice even haunts me in my own thoughts. -Gahh.. give me a break for once...-

Another annoying ass voice calls my name. "Blake, man. What ya doin' here?" -Why the bloody hell are Tyler's and Ryder's voices in my peaceful world?!-

I forcefully open my eyes and spot the ugly twins, bowed infront of me. Their disgusting faces makes me wanna punch them. -Okay, they don't look bad at all and have a lot of admires, however I'd still love to feel their faces on my fists.- "The fuck you doing here?! Are you stalking?!" I hastily stand up and put my hoodie up.

They exchange grins. "What if we did?" Tyler, the childish and youngest for some minutes of them both, speaks out.

I send him a glare and put my hands to my hoodie pocket. "I'd cut your non-existening dick off." Tyler frowns and Ryder laughs out loud. - I'm getting impatient. First, they appear in my world. Second, they wake me up to pull up low fucking jokes. And Thirdly, it pisses me off.-

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