Chapter 84: "Distracted by staring at your beautiful face."

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I'm sitting beside Amanda. I watch her stare at the screen with a smile on her face. -So fucking cute...-

-Yeah, I'm on a date... Atleast, that's what I think it is.-

She phoned me yesterday and of course I had to take a day off from work.

I really dislike going out to public places and do unnecessary stuffs, while I could actually continue working on my project. -Time goes by way too fast, if we actually think about it.-

However, I can't deny the fact that I love spending my time with her. Shall it be public and unnecessary places. As long as she's with me, I think every second is worth, leaving my work.

"Charles?" She stares at me and I smile.


She hastily looks away from me and I assume, she's blushing. "You don't have to force yourself watching the movie with me.-" -Is she serious right now?-

I cut her off by placing my arm around her shoulder. "What do you mean 'force' ? I came along, because I wanted to." I find myself smiling again.

We are currently watching a movie, called 'The Kissing Booth'. More like, she's watching, because I have only eyes for one person in this room and get distracted too often. -Well, Oops...- The movie is not exactly my type, but she chose it and I have to try liking it.

-Like what is it even about? Two guys fighting over a girl, but like the other one seems gay and disrespectful towards the girl. While the other guy is just a big asshole. What's so romantic about it? I don't get it.-

She forms a smile on her lips, making my heart flutter. "Is that so?"

I nod with my remaining smile. "You need to know me better."


"Did you like the movie?" She asks as I take a sip from my coffee. I try my best not to spit the liquid out and look hideous infront of her.

-Shit! This is exactly why, I hate movies! Girls can easily find out, if you payed attention to it or not.... what the hell am I supposed to say?!-

I notice her patiently waiting for my answer.-'Try to remember atleast one fucking scene, Charles! C'mon you've got this!'-

"I liked it." I lie and she smiles. -Darn it!-

"Why is that?" She looks challenging at me. -So fucking seductive!-

I gulp and curse myself for lying. -Why the hell did I not just spared a second and look at the flat screen, instead of her beautiful face?!-

"I like the scene with... the guy." I internally whimper about myself. -I SOUNDED LIKE A DAMN HORNY COWARD!-

I know, she tries her best not to bursts into laughter as she stares at me. " With the guy? What do you mean?"


"I'm going to be honest with you." I sigh, making her raise her eyebrows. "I didn't pay attention to the movie."

I expect her to look disappointed at me, but she just smiles. "I understand that. It wasn't really as fascinating like the book or perhaps, I like books more than movies. Do you know what I mean?"

-Amazing...- "I can relate to that." I say and manage to smile back. "But I was honestly distracted."

Her head tilts to the side. "Distracted?"

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