Chapter 54: "Think what you like...America is a free country."

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I'm in my room right now with 'Nirvana' singing in my head. I've always felt much more comfortable on my own. It's a place where I can escape from reality. Just my thoughts and I.

Come to think of it. This is also the place where I first met her. She would always play outside our garden and I would watch her from my window.
I still remember her pink dress and pigtails infront of me. Honestly, I find her really cute. Most of the time she would stare up to me and wave with a big smile on her face. I always wanted to start a conversation with her and get to know her better, but I was shy and was afraid she would get creeped out by me. I was pretty much an awkward kid.

And then there is Creed, my brother. I don't hate him or anything. I just dislike the fact that I'm nothing like him. There's always that confident and powerful aura surrounding him. People would always start talking to him with out him doing any effort. He's like a social magnet.

He is the first to make a move on her. It really sucks, knowing that my brother is a straightforward dude.

-I wonder, if she still remembers that time, where I first met her personally in the bridge, which was a coincidence. Maybe, it was faith? I ran away from home to find peace for myself. I knew people would recognise me and bring me back to my parents. Which is why I wore a black wig with a hoodie... And there she was standing in front of me with her dark hair flying to the air. She looked like a magical creature...-

"You look like a dead man over there."
I look up to my door and spot Creed leaning on the door frame. He's wearing his usual smile, that creeps me out.

"What do you need?" I ask and sit up, removing my ear pods.

"Nothing. I was just checking if you're alright." He steps in and walks around to my desk. -Fuck. I forgot to close my computer.-

"I'm obviously fine." I try to distract him and walk closer, but he's too focused, looking at the display.

He carefully reads it through then sighs. "Why are you even going to high school? When were you planning to tell us this?"

"Don't know." I honestly reply and turn my computer off. -Too late, he saw it already... No, I don't mind him seeing it. Atleast now he knows I'm not a useless and dumb brother.-
"I want to graduate."

"Graduate?" He widens his eyes at me and laughs. "For what? You freaking got a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology!"

-Yeah... that's a long story... As a kid I had a lot of free time, especially when I was 14. I got a bit interested in Criminology, since I read thriller books. But my interest grew, when I found out that "Chief." Miller is actually a FBI Special Agent... I caught him talking once, while I was throwing the trash. He was standing beside a tree, talking about their mission and all... Thinking he was alone, but I was a good and silent ninja... lmao... he mentioned names and places. I remember his shocked face expression, when he saw me standing beside him.... yeah, I was a creep... He offered me money and more, as a deal to keep my damn mouth shut, but I wasn't that easy of course. I had to take the opportunity to lift myself up. And so he promised that he'll help me learn the basics. I would always meet him after school and we'd train in his basement. Technology, Investigations and Survival fighting movements, were the first things he showed me. I became eager and decided to drop high school for 4 years and focus on my interests. That's the time, where my parents stayed in Florida and I stayed in New York. I had to become independent somehow. During those years, I became social, wise in a way and confident. Yet there was something missing... In the end, I went back to highschool at the age of 18 and decided that I better graduate first.-

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