Chapter 25:"YOUR ASS IS MINE!"

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I feel a lot better, after I've finally confessed. I have nothing to hide anymore -AH! I'M SO RELIEVED- I've been secretlty crushing on her, since 10th grade. Cough, 'stalking'... It's normal, right? I mean, everybody does that, right?...

Now, that I remember... When we met each other in class and spent our time in the library, that wasn't the first time I saw her...It all started in the music room. Whenever she went there, I'd secretly follow and hide behind the curtains, just to hear her play 'Kiss the rain' by Yiruma on the piano. I still see her pale hands flowing on the piano key, her eyes shut and dark hair flying infront of me. -Shit, she's just too good...-

Another thing that makes me relieved is seeing Felicia. She seems to have changed into a wonderful woman. Even after she dumped me, she didn't get together with Blake. He just mistreated her and when her parent's found out she wasn't virgin anymore, they forced her to drop school, since he was still there. -That asshole!- She told me, that she found someone, who treats her like a queen. Her boyfriend might be rich, but she said she doesn't want to depend on him too much and that's why she decided to do part time jobs. -Atleast we're back to talking.-

I Sensen tue starkes of my idiotic gang. I'm dragged back to reality, thanks to these idiots.

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!! BRO!" Sam and Kace widen their eyes on Lance's phone. I sigh and grab my coke, as I walk towards them.

After a long ass minute Dash runs his fingers through his hair. "Tell me this isn't real...WAKE ME UP FOR FUCKS SAKE! I'M HAVING THE WORST NIGHTMARE EVER!!!" He growls and covers his face with his hands. Annoying Kim throws a handfull of popcorn at him.

"Will you shut up! I'm really enjoying this right now, you prick! The best scene is about to happen." This sick bastard grins and stuffs himself with popcorn, as if he is watching a movie. -I secretly pray, that he'll choke on it.-

"YOUR ASS IS MINE!" The latino idiot jumps on him and they start fighting on the couch, like 10 years olds fighting over a console.

My attention wanders to Lance, who pats my shoulder and wipes a fake tear out of his cheek. " I'm so deadass proud of you my son!" They all start to laugh at his embarrassing words. I punch him away making him groan. "What?! You are starting to make small progressions in your love-life. That should be praised!" He waves his phone infront of me with the damn-ass picture and video, he secretly took and recorded.

I grab the phone, push his chest making him take a few steps back and lastly delete it.

"What the fuck man?!" He growls and tries to snatch the phone, but I lift it up high to avoid his fingers.

"Asshole." I murmur as I throw it back to him. He surprisingly catches it and glares at me, then gently kisses his phone not releasing his gaze off me.

"You are lucky that I won't kill you, for now! One scratch on my baby and you're dead!" He looks at his phone then groans."You for real?! Okay, thank god I've sent it to the others."Lance shoves his smartphone back to his jeanspocket. -Seriously, what's up with people and their phone addiction?- I roll my eyes and glare at the rest, who are sending me innocent smiles and waving their phones up in the air. -Like fuck, they won't stop messing around with me. That's for sure.-



-What is my status with Raven now? He's making it way too hard for me. I do not know him for long, so why?!-

"Hey! Earth on Amy! You here?" Courtney snips her fingers infront of me.

I blink a few times then sigh. " Yeah I'm here. Sorry, I was just thinking..."

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