Chapter 83: "You have a stain behind you."

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I'm inside the fucking school. It's the same as always. People talk, walk and gossip around. They never really noticed me, except when I get into trouble with bastards.

-I'm used to being on my own. I mean, even though Crystal and Kim are here, I still feel like I'm on my own. Maybe it's because we are in different class sections. Only Joe used to talk with me, even if it's just in math class. Now that he has a new group and a girlfriend, I understand and respect the fact that we parted. -

I walk inside my biology class and spot Amanda sitting on our usual place. -Ah shit, spotting her yesterday with Blake still bothers me.... Like, why the hell did she go out with him? Was it a date!?-

As I walk slowly towards her, I notice how she smiles at me. It's hard to smile back somehow, but I managed to send her one.

"Wow, you look like you're in an awful mood today." She jokes as I take a sit beside her. -Great, she analysed me.-

"Oh really?" I say and try to act like I always do. The sick bastard-modus.

She raises her eyebrows at me. "Yeah... Did something happen?"
-'Well, yeah. I saw you hang out and drive away with the biggest asshole in New York.'-

"No, not at all." I lie with a small smile on my face. -What? I can't be direct! She might assume, that I've stalked her!-

"Where's Courtney?" I ask, in order to change the topic.

She shrugs at me and then smiles. "I think, she's going to skip. Typical Courtney, ya know?" -She seems happy about something...-

"You seem like you're in a good mood today. Why's that?" I ask and place one hand on my chin as I stare at her.

Amanda innocently smiles at me and looks away. "W-What do you mean? I'm always this cheerful." She says and tries to stay serious. Yet, her face deceives her. Her cheeks have slight red shades. -I wonder, why?-

"Nevermind. I think, I'm just tired and ramble random things out...Sorry." I awkwardly chuckle and bury my head into my arms, which are on the table.

-Dang it! I can't ask her! It would be too obvious!... It just fucking sucks, knowing they were out together!-



-I wonder, what's wrong with him? He seems off and his smile is pretty fake... Did I do something wrong?... And what does he mean with I'm 'happy'?... I literally have mood swings! I feel awful, but when I saw him my mood lightened up a bit.-

I stare at Raven, whose head is on the desk. It's hard to resist, letting my fingers run through his soft and dark hair. -DAMN IT!-

"Raven?" I ask, but he isn't responding. -He's asleep, I guess.-

Mrs. Kelly, our biology teacher, enters the room and we're back to learning again. I still remember, that time when Lance was our substitute teacher for a week. -It was kinda traumatizing...-

I tried to focus on our lesson, but my stomach hurted so much. -Did I eat something awful yesterday? I didn't really eat much... I mean, Blake and I just went out for burgers and a normal drink... Speaking of Blake... I kinda feel attracted to him. Yet, I need to find out what I feel for Charles and Raven too...-

The bell finally rings, after a long hour. I look over to Raven and spot him packing his things. -He's being silent, again... I'm sure, he'll talk to me later... eventually... I hope. -

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