Chapter 41: "I'm fine. Don't worry."

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I can't believe how one month can change your life completely... I've never felt these type of things.
Confusion, fear, jealousy and anger... I wonder what's next?

I'm heading to Mr. Braham's class. I have history, which means that He is here. As I enter the classroom, my eyes are already fixed on that person.
He's sitting next to my seat and has his face burried in his arms. -What's wrong? I've never seen him like this... he looks... problematic?- I slowly drop my things and take a sit. I wonder, if he even noticed that I'm here, since he didn't move or even looked up to me.

-Should I talk to him? After what happened a week ago? He literally roasted me infront of Raven. As if I were... No,no,no! I am not that, what I think I am! I was just being friends with all of them!- I look away from Blake and grab my books out of my bag. -History... I wonder what we're going to talk about... Second World War?-

Blake's right hand suddenly grab my wrist. I flinch and quickly look at him. I only spot one green eye, narrowed at me. Half of his face is still burried in his left arm. "W-what is it?" I nervously ask.

"Please tell me, I'm not as forgettable as your silence is making me feel." He mumbles, almost barely for me to understand. I raise an eyebrow at the weirdo.

"I thought you were asleep." I honestly reply and he sighs as he lifts his head up. After a while, he runs his fingers through his messy hair and stares blankly at the black board.

"Wish I were." He says and looks back at me. I notice eyebags underneath his mesmerising green eyes. His eyes sclera aren't white, they have red nerves around them. -Was he crying? or is he just tired for no reason?- He takes me out of my thoughts with his raspy voice. "How was your week?"

I confusingly look at him and he slightly forms a smile around his lips. "It was alright." -Why is he acting so weird? ...Nice around me?...-

"Just alright? Aren't you going to give me details?" He chuckles, making me more confused. -What does he want?-

"Are you alright? You're acting really weird." I blurt out and instantly regret it.


For a second, pain flashes to his eyes. He covers it with a fake smile, like he always does. "I'm sorry."


"For what?"

"Everything." He stares intensively at me with his bloodshot eyes. -I don't understand...- "You must hate me right now." He weakly chuckles and avoids my eyes.

Before I can ask him questions, the bell rings and Mr. Braham storms into the class with a wide smile on his face. A sign telling us that he has a long topic for this lesson. I look at Blake, but he doesn't look back. He seems sad in a way, I can't explain. Honestly, the way he acts righ now, aches my heart. -I wonder, if something happened...-


After school I decided to talk to Blake. I can't get rid off his face filled with pain. -What if it's something serious? A depression? Maybe he has a suicidal
mind and needs someone to talk to?... Just like me before...- I sprint to the parking lot and spot Blake next to his motorcycle.

"Blake! Wait!" I yell out and he turns to look at me. I stop infront of him, bend my knees and place my hands on them as I try to breath. -Gawd, am I this weak?-

"What's wrong?" He looks at me and places his helmet back to his motorcycle. "Did something happen?" I can hear concern inside his raspy voice. -He's getting weirder and weirder!-

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