Chapter 35: "I feel like a fucking Disney Princess!"

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I'm sitting on the floor, trying to focus on my new book, but even if I try hard to do so, I can't. Why? Because a fucking 21 year old bitchface keeps on throwing paperballs and cherry seeds at me.

"Little bro, Little bro, Little bro, Little bro, Little bro-" I throw my pen at Lance, who's eating a cherry. Unluckily, he dodges. His eyes widdens and he spits the seed at me. -Ew, disgusting! Now I have his bacteria!- I unpleasantly rub the infected spot. He then angrily marshes towards me. "YOU ALMOST HIT MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!"

I shut my eyes and pray internally for him to disappear. -I'm so done with this arsehole.- "Beautiful, my ass! What the hell are you even doing in my flat? Get a fucking life Lance!" I bark and glare into his dull blue eyes.

Shortly, he's shaking and his face is turning red. -He is about to explode.- "You're such a fucking naughty child! Where did you get that from, young man?" He crosses his arms together and I roll my eyes.

"Stop trying to sound like you have control over me. I'm serious! Let me fucking write my book and we can go out in some hours! Do something for yourself and stop bothering me!"
With that said, he mumbles curse words underneath his breath and stomps back to my bed. Not even a second passed and he's back to his phone, completely ignoring me as I scold him to get out from my bed. -Kids these days. Oh wait, I mean fucking young adults.-

I return back to my book and try to come up with something. It doesn't matter how hard I try, I can't get her out of my head. Which reminds me, I think it's cute that she actually ditched blonde dick and Blake. -Shit! She's too cute, whenever she flushes...- I slam my face into my hands and curse myself for being immature.

From the corner of my eyes, I spot the childman staring at me. "Oi! Stop smiling on your own. It's creepy as fuck!" Lance barks at me and continues looking back into his phone.

-Does he really have to watch every single fucking move I make?-

I groan and return back to writing. "Just shut up."


"So, what is the book about?" Lance sips on his coke and stares at me.

"None of your business." I add back and bite into the hamburger. If I tell him what it's about, I know he won't stop making fun of me. I really hate his guts, trying to take advantage cause he's older.

-Honestly, I'd rather sit at home and keep on writing my book, than sitting next to this whining pig infront of me.-

The childman rolls his eyes and stuffs himself with fries. "Ya know, mah mum is helping you, so pay respect to me."

-His mum works in the  'New York Times'. She's the one who helped me publish 'Seeking'.-

"I could, but I don't want to. Besides you aren't her, there's a difference." I add back and sip on my drink. He groans and opens his mouth to speak.

"You little piece of shit!" A few elders stare at us. -This sick bastard had to open his fucking mouth!- He wants to continue fucking with me, but I tell him to shut up.


After a long ass hour, we headed straight to Dash's place. According to Kim, they are training in his basement for the upcoming fight. Ever since Blake and his squad came to our club, we started training everyday.

-Which is good, since the Hernandéz household has military tools. They are known for their Company, military school's and their two sons. Unfortunately their eldest Son, Lieutenant Diègo Randy Hernandéz , age 25, didn't survive the war in Syria. It's pretty depressing thinking about it. Dash was 16 at that time. While their second son, Commander Damian Eduardo Hernandéz, age 26 (this year), is still training hard. Then comes Dashiell Romero Hernandéz, the most flirty and messed up guy, I've ever met.( No wait, that's Lance.) The three of them look alike to be honest. People used to think they were triplets.-

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