Chapter 5: " One word is enough to kill you. "

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"Sissy. Come home early again, okay?" Miles smiled and hugged me. I promised, I would and head out to the bus stop. Courtney's car is getting repaired, so she can't pick me up for a while. -Which means I have to sit with strangers ... ugh.-
The bus arrived and I get in.

-I can't believe that Raven Johnson is
teaching me maths via e-mail. The summary he made me is somehow easy to understand and I feel like I could actually pass this year, thanks to him! .. He gave me his e-mail address, when we were in 'Starbucks'. I have to admit, he is really sweet and kind. He actually smiles a lot. The deep dimples on his cheeks are just... wow... GAHHH! STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM! HE'S JUST A CLASSMATE! -

I am early today. There are no students around, so I decided to sit on the bench behind the school and read 'After'.

It didn't take long and a certain someone joins me. I spot a red haired guy waving at me. - It's Joseph.-

"Hey!...Ashton, right?" -What? He must've mistaken with someone else...- He smirks proudly, making me giggle.

" Umm... I'm Amanda." I'd like to laugh but that'll be mean. His face expression is hilarious. It is red and he face palms himself.

"THAT FUCKING PUNK!" He then inhales and excuses himself. " I'm sorry. It wasn't on purpose! That shithead lied to me and said your name was 'Ashton'. I'm Joseph, but you can call me Joe...hehe" He awkwardly rubs his neck and avoids eye contact. -With 'shithead' I think he refers to 'Raven'.-

"Don't worry, It's fine. Nice to meet you Joe." I laugh, since I can't hold it in any longer. In order to avoid this awkward situation, I ask him why he was here so early.

"I have to train for our next football match. What about you?" He asks back.

"Dunno. I mean, I thought I would be late." I lie.

"Oh I see.. well I-.." He looks behind me, gets distracted as he spots Raven and angrily marshes towards him. Joe started cussing at him again, but Raven just rolls his eyes and sighs.

-He's looking flawless as always, his hair upturned, he cramped the arms of his leather jacket up, showing his tattoos, matching his red shirt and black jeans, black boots and his lip ring is not anymore on his- ... OH CRAP! HE'S LOOKING AT ME AGAIN! -

He smirks and winks at me. -Gahh!!! He's messing with me!- Joe turns back to look at me.

-'Well thanks, Raven!'- I look down into my book just to look less embarrassed.

"See ya around." Joe finally says and goes away.

"Hey." Raven takes a seat beside me.

I quickly put my book back into my bag. I know, he'll start teasing me again.

"H-hey." I stutter and he chuckles. I suppose he noticed me packing 'After' away. According to my watch we still have 15 minutes until school starts.

"Do you need a math tutor?" He then asks me. -Wait what?...- " Don't worry, I'll do it for free."


"Y-you mean it?" -What am I saying?!-

He makes eye contact with me and gently smiles. "Yeah, so?" -WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO NICE!?-

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