Chapter 99:"He is the best mistake, I have ever made."

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I told Raven. I told him why we didn't work out(I kept the intimate part to myself, since it is not something he needs to know.) and his reaction was not the kind of what I expected. He was mad. He stormed out of the music room right after I told him the story.

It creeped me out and when I rushed to look for him, I got held by Mr. Braham. He talked about Blake, that he has been skipping out for weeks and If I have contact to him. When we finished talking, Raven was no where to be found.

Now, we're both in his house and I'm trying to treat his wounds. His knuckles are bleeding, just like Blake's, when he fought against Niall.

-Did he fight Charles? What for? Is Charles alright?... so many questions!ugh...-

"What happened?" I ask as I try to clean his wounds. His cheek is swollen and it seems like it is going to leave a blue mark behind. I gently place an ice pack on it and stare into his heterochromia eyes.

He looks kinda emotionless. "Nothing much." He mumbles with a small grin.
-He can be really childish sometimes.-

"Raven, you are bruised."

"No?" He chuckles.

I playfully roll my eyes and place my hands to my hips. "You know, that you're unnecessarily playing around, don't you?"

"Yes." -He doesn't make any sense sometimes.- He leans back to the sofa and stares at me for a while.

-I missed that look. It looks cute... He seems like he's trying to figure me out, as if I'm a puzzle.-

I feel my blood raising up to my face again and quickly look away.


A small chuckle escapes his lips as he leans closer to me again. "You look troubled."

"Mind telling me?" I ask, making him sigh.

"Since I insist so." I groan at him, making him smile brightly. My heartbeat accelerates and I internally curse myself for being affected so easily. His smile drops and the shades around his eyes are visible again. -Whenever he is serious this happens. Noted.- "I did what I had to do. I couldn't hold myself back."

"What exactly?" I gulp as I imagine the things he could've done to Charles.

"I can make it detailed, but it would sound really disgusting." He simply answers, as if this isn't serious. -He's killing me!-

"Raven." I hiss.

He looks away from me and plays with his ring on his finger. "Fine. I punched him."

-I knew it.-

I inhale deep in and preserve his stares on my skin. -He really punched him, because of me.-

"You didn't have to go that far, because of me." I say and feel guilty for being the cause of all this.

Raven shakes his head. "You know exactly, that I would kill a person for you."

-He's always so sweet and gentle... It hurts not being able to be honest with him.-

"I know, but still..." I quietly mumble.

He suddenly grabs my hand, sending an electric pulse for a moment. His warm smile flashes on me as I blush. "He's alright. Honestly, I underestimated him. He ain't as bad as I thought."

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