Chapter 34: "I really am going to rip your head off and shit on your neck!"

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"WHAT THE FUCK?! HOLD UP! YOU'RE SHITTING WITH ME, RIGHT?!" Ryder yells right after he jumped off the sofa.

"Here we go again." Miguel rolls his eyes and stuffs his ears with air pods. -Probably listening to sexual songs.-

"Get over it bro! Is not like you stood a chance anyways! I mean look at me. This is enough already~" Tyler sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.

"NOT A CHANCE?! YOU REALLY WANT TO DIE, DON'T YOU!?" The elder twin jumps on the younger one and chokes him with his hands. The victim tries to free himself, while his face is slightly turning red.

"What's up with those two?" I look over to Niall, who places his 'Uno' cards to the board and sighs.

"Apparently, Ryder placed his last red Card and tought he was going to win, but his twin added 2 red 'draw two', along with 3 'Wild draw four' cards." -Explains why he's so fucked up. But why did they have to make it sound like Tyler stole his girlfriend?-

I try to calm them down, but these two faggots act like fucking 5 year olds. -I wonder,why I actually took them into my group.-

Niall takes a sip off his beer then turns to look at me. "So, what was that again with Lance?" - Ah, I almost forgot why I called them all into my flat.-

"He's in my fucking school." I sigh and Niall grins. He knows exactly it pisses me off. -This sick bastard!-

"Is that so? Didn't I tell you that you should've come into our private school? You wouldn't have those problems, if you actually listened to me." The European guy adds and stuffs himself with nuts. -Looking like a bitch.-

I roll my eyes. "Shut the fuck up! I had my reasons."

His eyes darkens a bit and he stops grinning like an Idiot. "How's Raven and the two doing?" Soon the twins stop fighting and pay attention to our conversation. -We've been friends, along with the twins since elementary school. Brings back old memories...-


-I, Blake Cohen, hate this school and New York! I want to go back to my home place, Ohio! I don't want to be popular! I'm a freaking child! Why do I have to be a model?! I hate it! But who cares? I'm just a child anyways.-

I stop walking and stare at a group of 5 boys, forming a circle next to my locker. -Another reason why I hate it here. They know that my dad owns a big company and many treat me like I'm a King, while the rest bully me indirectly.- I was about to yell at them, but decided to pay attention first, to what they are actually picking on.

"Stand up, you monster!" A fat kid yells and pushes a fragile boy to his locker.

Another tall boy grabs an asian guy and punches him straight in his stomach. The victim falls to the ground and the rest start kicking him.

A small blonde guy comes rushing towards his two friends, starts cursing and punching the bullies, but he gets beaten up by them. -What's up with these kids? Bullying younger ones, just cause they are older.-

"Hey, you!" The fat kid points at me and I become stiff. -Stupid fatass, think he can harm me?- "You didn't see anything, got that? Or else-"

"Or else what?" I speak up and look at the beaten kids on the ground. -Oh freak.-

"You dare to speak back to your senior?" He barks back and then tells his friends to marsh towards me. -I'm scared, but I won't show them no fear!-

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