Chapter 10: "WE HEARD THAT!"

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Right now, we are in Crystal's car. I know I shouldn't just get inside strangers cars. Especially, when they look rebellious, but I didn't have much of a choice, now did I?

One thing bothers me...
-Who is Blake?-

Blair looks at me and smiles. ' Did I just said that out loud?'

"A person you should avoid. His intentions are no good and he loves manipulating others." She sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. -I wonder if she is a model...-

"Just relax. It's gonna be fine!" Crystal laughs, while her eyes are still focused on the road.

"H-How can you be calm about all this?!" I nearly yelled. As a 'normal' Person, of course I'd be nervous.

Both of them look at me for a second, as if i jumped off a cliff and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I am confused. Was this all made up?...

"Aww, darling~! You're so innocent! We've been through things like this or even worse and as you can see, we're still alive!... I really like you!" Crystals words flutter me.

"I agree! How come a person like you would be able to soften a stonehearted Jerk?" The model asks next to me.

"I've only met him yesterday."

"But he seems attached to you. You should feel honoured to even gain attention from a person like him." Both started laughing again.

"I don't understand."

"You see, Rev only talks or hangs out with someone, as soon as he trusts them. Little boy has trusting issue's. I don't know much about him, but we all had it hard to even get him into our group. However, Lance managed to get him. He's a closed book, wrapped with chains and locks, inclusive caged in a locker." Blair wiggles her eyebrows and I laugh.

So it's not just me, that finds it hard to guess his inner self. I honestly never seen Raven before, until now. I only read his name on our School board once. He is an unsocial, but still popular person. It's like he's avoiding people's attention. That makes him kinda special.... Not forgotten to mention, he looks unique. Like a damn greek god.

"We're here!" Crystal stops the car infront of a one floor, brick and kinda modern house. "I hope Troy is at home."

Troy? Must be her brother.

We got out and stood at the front door. I don't want to go inside strangers homes.

"Troy! Open up! It's Crystal." She pouts.

The door opens and a tall teen with dark blonde hair leans at the side. He's wearing a basketball jersey (Golden State Warriors). -Typical Jock I'd say. Kinda looks like ... Lance ...- He crosses his toned arms and narrows his turquoise eyes on me. I lower my head.

-He looks attractive, no doubt.- Somehow, embarrassment flows in me.

Blair giggles, places a hand on my waist and pushes me inside the house. I'm not trying to be rude, but her strength is comparable to a man's.

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