Chapter 9: "THIS MEANS WAR!"

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"As outsiders, what do you think of human race?" Kace crosses his arms and seems relaxed. -Good, as long as he keeps calm, there won't be a fight. I've known Kace for 2 years and learned that he isn't the type of man to arouse.-

"If this ain't 'King'. In the land of the witless, you would be King." Tyler mocks and their shitty gang laugh out loud. He has changed, since he joined Blake.

-I wonder what happened to that innocent boy I used to know, who now turned into an completely asshole. At least he didn't dye his ginger hair into black and stole anything... yet-

"Son of a bitch! I'll fucking kill you chav!" Kace would have beaten the shit out of him, if Kim didn't hold him back.

"Chill! Bro, you don't need to be provoked by arseholes like them. Why don't you do the world a favour and fuck off? You're all just waste of spaces." Dash clicks the roof of his tongue, as the rest of Blake's gang laugh in response.

-He's also starting to loose his cool. Not a good sign.-

I look over to Amanda, who is hiding behind me, looking terrified. Zhe reminds me of Evelyn.

-This is bad, once we fight, she will be dragged into this. Fuck!...-

"What's the matter Johnson? You look pale." Blake's lips formed a mischievous smile. I don't answer.

-Why should I?! Of course I'm pale, for holding back my grudges against him. Lucky Fuckhead!-

He looks at Amanda as she takes a step back. His eyes flash lustful looks, causing my adrenaline rush up. -This asshole! I swear, I'm about to punch him.-

"Mind if I borrow her? Did you choose her because she's good in bed-" My adrenaline reached it's limit and before I even realized it, fuckhead is already on the ground.



It happened so fast. Blake got punched in the face by Raven and now they are both beating each other on the ground.

"THIS MEANS WAR!" One guy of Blake's group yells with a creepy smile on his face.

-Oh my god... they are really fighting?! What do I do?!-

Now, we have an audience. They're all doing those 'uhh', 'omg' noises and the most of them take their phones out.

-Can't they do anything else than that?
This generation is really hopeless...-

"Crystal! Blair! Take her away from here! We'll meet later!" I can hear Lance's voice. Crystal nods and takes my hand, before I could disagree.

"We can't leave yo-" Blair gets cut off by Kace.

"GO!" He yells and runs towards the others.

All of them are fighting... I can't describe how this looks like. Each one of Raven's squad handle two of them, since Blake's squad has a lot of members.

-I just hope everything ends soon!-



"Are you not going to a private school?" I spot a little boy with black hair and brown eyes asking me.

" I'll be going to a public school." I awkwardly smile at Niall.

"Why is that?" Blake, my bestfriend, frowns. "We made a promise remember?"

"Yeah, join us you dumb-dumb!" Tyler giggles and ruffles my hair.

"Sorry, but I can't go with you guys."

'I am poor and can't afford it.' I wish, I could say that out loud easily.

Kim smiles and tugs my sweater. "Ey! I'm gonna go in one too! We're gonna be together!"

"No, nobody needs you! Get lost!" Sam, Niall,Tyler, Blake and also Ryder, Tyler's twin, yell at Kim.

We all laugh as we head home.


"RAVEN! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!" I hear Lance shouting at me.

-That's right... I am lost in my thoughts again.. FUCK!-

I spot Sam getting beat up by the C-twins. -Fucking Carters!-

Someone lifts me up, before I can help him. I try to break free, but it's no use. Only Niall posesses such strength. -He's going to throw me!-

I hastily grab his wrist as he tries to shake me off.

-Shit! I need Options!...
a) if he throws me we both fall down and I can try switching positions. My chances are 40% and his are 60%.
b) I'll let myself fall and Kimura-lock him on the ground. Chances are 60%.-

-Shit!...- My grip is still on his wrist and I grab his right hand. Next, I throw my left elbow to his face. He painfully groans and stumbles a bit. -Now's my Chance!- I bore my other elbow to his stomach, fix my hand on his wrist and then Judo throw him. He weights a lot, but with this technique I still manage to throw him over me.

-'Strangle him to death! Make him suffer!'-

I realize that we are on the floor now. I'm on the top, he's trying to hit me, my hands are wrapped on his neck.

-'Choke him!'...-

"Johnson!" Blake yells. I let go before he rushes towards us and knock me out. Niall, who looks utterly defeated and shocked at me, made me realize what I have done. -I don't see a Tall, macho, Jock with tattoos....I see an innocent, fragile, petite Niall...-

-...This isn't me...-

I hear the sirens outside. My eyes are still gazed on Blake, who's kneeled down beside the injured boy. -Those green eyes... they're full of hatred...-

"FUCK! See ya, fuckheads!" Dash scuffs and lets go off a guy he was about to beat up. I watch my whole squad hurry to the back door.

Suddenly, Lance drags me from behind and we escape from the restroom's window.


Author: Short chapter, but I promise it'll get longer.

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