Chapter 100:"Dash has been missing..."

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Since Raven is taking a little bit too long, his cousin decided to watch one more video tape.

It's about the squad. He said it was from 5 years ago.

"Okay, Ladies and gentlemen. I am your one and only Frederick." Lance, smiles at the camera and walks towards the drum set.

-He looks kinda younger than now, but he already looked perfect with his handsome face, I admit.-

"You should introduce your band members too! You egoist!" Christopher, who looks like he's 10 years old, barks. Troy is beside him and giggles as he hands him the microphone.

"No." His brother hisses. "I am the best band ever."

Lance chuckles beside me. "True facts. They were nothing without me." I giggle in response.

-He still loves himself way too much, I see.-

"Guys, let's just sing already." I spot Kim behind the keyboard. He looks like your typical nerd with his glasses and bowl cut. -I have to say, he had a big glow up.-

A boy with braces and shoulder length blonde hair stares surprised at the camera lenses. His blue eyes flash excitement out. "Woah! Is that a 'Canon' camrecorder?"

-Awww, his voice is so cute. High and soft.-

"No, it's a goddamn 'Penny board'!" I hear Christopher sarcastically say, making Lance laugh beside me.

"Stop fighting you two! Get your ass out from the camera, Samuel! The world needs to see me, not you. " The younger version of Lance barks, making the poor boy walk away.

-WAIT?! THIS IS SAM?!... OH MY... Not to be rude, but woah he changed a lot... WHERE IS MY GLOW UP !? -

"We need a singer." Kim points out, while Sam grabs an electric guitar.

"I can sing-" Sam smiles, but gets cut off.

"Hell no!" They all yell, making him frown.

"Imma do it then!" Lance grins. "I'm the most handsome and talented afterall!"

Troy shakes his head and looks at the camera, but not directly at the lense. "Bro, you need to jump in. Otherwise Lance will sing!"

"It will cause us ear cancer!" Kim adds.

"EY!" The drummer barks.

"No." I hear a familiar, but a bit pitched voice. -Puberty hits hard.-

"Raven! Please!"


They beg him.

"Why?" Raven's voice pops out again, but he can't be seen... yet.

"You don't want to hear..." Christopher stares at his brother. "This sing!"

-Looks like they were always fighting...-

"Shut up!" The young Lance growls at them.

The next minutes are just the squad fighting against the drummer, who's cursing at them. Until, an emo boy creeps out of his corner. -If I say emo, then I mean it!- I've never thought that Raven would have a scene haircut and only wears black. He looks totally different with his hair, the 'Metallica' bandmerch, piercings and the all black theme.

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