Chapter 68: "Did you just cosplay your childhood crush?"

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"Trick or Treating!" The kids shout with a big smile around their faces.

My parents have work today and I left home alone with Creed. We are supposed to hand candies out for children. I don't see a purpose by doing it, but I have no choice and now here I am. Otherwise, Creed will give those poor small people raisins and peanuts, instead of candies.

I smile back and hand them the sweets over. "Happy Halloween." I say and the girl with a bear costume innocently grins.

"You look like a vampire! Like a blonde Edward Cullen! " She points at me and I laugh. -Ah, great... I get compared to every girl's childhood crush, somehow...-

"Do I?" I just have a cape around me, my hair is swept back and my teeth are naturally sharp. Does that make me a vampire tho?

"Yes!" Her brother, I suppose, who's in a spiderman costume agrees.

I wave them goodbye and shut the door. I stop walking up stairs, when I spot Creed leaning on the wall with chocolate in his hand. He smirkes at me and takes a bite, making me cringe.

"Did you just cosplay your childhood crush?" He grunts and I roll my eyes. -He really annoys me.-

"Haha, how funny. What about you? Trying to scare children again?" I refer to his Tate Langdon costume. He wears a pound full of make up and his hair is covered with his hoodie.

He grins all widely and walks pass me. "Yep! The next children are mine!"

"Do as you please. Just make sure their parents aren't around. I don't want police officers investigating our house just because of you." I smile and walk upstairs.

"Yeah, whatever." He growls back. "How are things going, between you and Ms. Miller?" -Fuck...-

I somehow stop walking. "Why do you care?"

"Just so. Are you hiding something from me?" I can sense his eyes on me.

"What should I be hiding? Creed, you're being curious over nothing again."

"Oh yeah? Where have you been early this morning?" He tries to provoke me even more.

"Have you been stalking me?" I growl and turn to look at my smirking brother.

"Perhaps. Geez, we are the only bros in this house. I know the way you walk down the stairs. It's the silent-old-man sound. " He barks.

"What?" I confusingly look at him.

"You know, the types of people walking down and up stairs. The sprinter, the animal and so on." He informs me. -Ah, I see...-

"Then you are the person, who tumbles on his own feet." I bark back.

"You know me too well." He grins.


I take a sit back to my computer desk and surf around the internet. -Nothing is new. I'm still searching for hints, but I can't hack into some restricted areas without being caught. Like, dang it! I just need a little bit more...-

I stop scrolling and focus on the blog before me. It's about the FBI and CIA. -To be honest, I find it stupid that some wannabes are trying to sound intelligent by posting stuffs that they see in movies. The FBI and CIA are much more than that. They can't spread informations out of course, so it's only the society's imagination, what they see and share via internet.-

"Charlie?" I hear my brother marching towards my door and I quickly shut the lid of my computer. I turn around and as predicted, he's leaning on the wall again.

"What is it?" I try to remain calm, although I want to yell at him for disregarding my privacy.

"You don't have anything to do right?" He then says and sticks the lollipop back to his mouth.

"I always have to do something." I add. "Unlike you."

"You know what I mean." He sticks his tongue out. "Been thinking, if we should do Trick or Treating aswell!" -He can't be serious right now...-

I find myself smiling at him."You ate all the candies, right?"

"No. I still have a lollipop and a bar of Hershy's." He defends.

"Alright, but Trick or Treating? How old are you?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Age doesn't matter. Fun is ageless." He smiles and hands me a pumpkin bucket.

"I don't want to. I have better things to do, than ring on people's door for candies, that will cause me to get dental caries." I hand it back, but he doesn't take it back.

He shakes his head instead. "Don't be such a loser Charlie. You need to get out somehow. It's not good for your health, being stuck in your room all day!"

"So being around people, who judge you and make you worry is good for your health, huh?" I sarcastically ask.
-I have no motivation on leaving my house. It's just a pain in the ass going outside.-

Creed plumps to my bed. "What shall we be doing then?"

"I don't know about you, but I'd really like to continue doing my work." I say and he groans.

"Oh, look at me. I'm Charles Moores being productive and all that shit.~" He mocks me, making it hard for me not to punish him. -What the hell is wrong with him!? Just because he gets what he wants, since he's being favouritised by dad, doesn't mean he shouldn't do anything in life. He doesn't know the struggles I'm going through!-

"Are you going to continue making fun of me?" I glare.

"I could endlessly do so!" He barks. "But that'll be mean. Here's a deal. We'll go on a horror classic marathon and then you can go back to work." -Marathon? What is he up to?-

"What exactly? Specify it."

"Just, ya know, watch some random old classics. Random Stephen King movies, American Horror Story, Hannibal Lecter and Friday the 13th." He brightly smiles at me.

-I'm not into horror movies, but I gotta admit I enjoy it, ever since Amanda and I watched 'Paranormal Activity' ... Speaking of her, I wonder what she's doing right now... I feel like getting close to her, but there's something or someone in between us... it frustrates me...-

"Charlie?" My brother stares at me, making me come back to reality.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"About the deal?" He smirkes.
-If he only knew...-

"Yeah." I lie and he grins wider.

"So, what ya gonna say? Are you in?" His blue orbs bore deep into mine, making me sigh in pain. I catch him staring at my Laptop again. -Ah, shit. Why does he always have to he so curious?!-

"Why not." I give in anyways.


Author: It's a short chapter, I know. It's just Charles being Charles XD I do hope you enjoyed it tho💓

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