Chapter 23: "Are you wearing a contact lense on one side?"

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"Where are we going?" Amanda asks me and stares out the window. The more I look at her, the more I see her as a goddess.

She catches me staring at her, even though I hastily look away
"To my favourite place." I halfly smile and avoid her pretty face.

"Which is?" From the tune of her voice, I know she's still eager to know, where we are heading up to.
-Just wait.-

Right before we can cross the other road, the traffic lights turn red, making me slow down. "You'll see." I drum my thumb on the steering wheel. "Seems like you're getting along with that guy. Is he your boyfriend?" I try sounding calm, but my voice deceives me.

"You mean Charles?" She questions and finally looks away from me. "He's just a friend... W-we aren't a couple." Her voice trails off. I look at her from my eye angle.

I inhale the air deep into to my lungs, till they burn and exhale, before I speak up. "To be frank with you, I hate that guy." For a moment I thought she was going to yell at me, for being 'judgemental'. Fortunately, she burst into a small laughter and I join her.

"Wow Raven, you're pretty direct. You barley even know him. You just said the same thing Court used to say." -I could get along with Courtney afterall.- She pulls her oversized blue sweater upright.

Her lips form a smile after a while. "No, seriously. Why do y'all hate him? He's not that bad! I mean, he's my neighbour and from how I know him, he's actually pretty nice."

-Great, that asshole lives next to her. Another reason to bomb-ass hate him. Why the fuck is she so happy, talking about him?!-

I roll my eyes and speed up as the traffic lights turn green. "Oh really? Cause woah! He literally failed the first impression for me. I mean, who wears a red Puma shirt with black Adidas jogging pants and white Nike sneakers? He should be punished." I halfly joke.

She presses her lips together and tries not to laugh. "Okay, he made a weird brand combination, but that's not what you should be paying attention to."

"Oh, did I forgot to mention what poor pick up lines he used on you?" I speak my thoughts out, although I wanted to keep them to myself.

"What pick up lines?" She narrows her eyes at me and flushes. "He just held a normal converstaion, like every human being does."

-Damn, I forgot how naive she is.- "Nevermind, they weren't that great anyway." I grin at her as she raised an eyebrow.



"We're finally here!" Raven announces with a huge smile on his face. There's nothing better than seeing this goofball have a smile, plastered on his serious face.

"Took us long to arrive at our destination!" I playfully whine making him snicker.

"It is worth it tho." He gets out of the car and opens the door for me. "May I lead you out, Milady?" I grin at his weird, kneeled positon and reach for his hand. -If there's something this guy can only do, then it's making a woman feel treasured. That's for sure.- He must've noticed me blushing and flushes himself.

As soon as I step out, he covers my eyes. "Raven! What are yo-"

"Shh!" He chuckles and slowly leads me forward. "Just trust me, okay?" I don't say anything and walk with his hands covering my eyes.

"Are we there yet?" I murmur impatiently.

"Almost. Keep your eyes shut." He answers shortly, releases his hands and I feel his hand on my wrist.

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