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-It's finally Christmas! Amanda agreed to atleast celebrate it for some hours with us, before she spends it with her family. I already went shopping, before the squad arrived my place. I bought presents for everyone and even did the market. This is how excited I am to celebrate it with her. It will be our very first Christmas...-

Right now, the squad and I are preparing for a Christmas vibe.
Kim just blasted 'Do They Know It's Christmas? By Band Aid' for all of us.

We made groups on, who will do what. Sam, Crystal, Dash, Lance and Troy are in the living room. They are supposed to be decorating it.

While Kim, Blair, Kace, Christopher, Eve and I are preparing for the meal.

"Ewww." Kace says as Blair walks past him in the Kitchen.

"I didn't say anything!" She defends herself, making him laugh. -Why does this remind me of Troy and I?-

"I know." He playfully winks at her and she groans.

"Just stop and help me out already, big brother!" She hands him a dough and he groans.

"Kay..." He gives in.

Evelyn helps me out with cutting the vegetables. "Is she really joining us this year?"

I smile at her. "Yes, she is and Miles is coming along too."

A bright grin appears on her lips. "That's great!"

-Amanda agreed to bringing her brother with her, since I think it's better to celebrate all together.-

"Where is the Lamb Sauce?!" Kim suddenly yells, making the guys laugh out loud.

"What do you need that for?" Kace barks.

The asian boy shrugs with his shoulders and just grins. "I just wanted to spit that out, since we're cooking."

The model and the rest of the gang roll their eyes at him. -Yeah, sometimes he really blurts random things out.-

"I need some more sprinkles!" Chistopher spontaneously yells, as he throws the empty bottles in the trash bin.

"You need some more spanking!" Kim grunts, making us laugh. -unnecessary, but a really good timing.-

My cousin growls at him. "Oh, shut up!"

"No cursing! It's Christmas!" Blair scoffs.

The boys roll their eyes at her.

"Just because it's Christmas!"

"I guess."

"It's a 24/7 though!"

"Can't you guys say something nice to each other for once?" Blair sighs.

"We can." Kace states.

"Yeah." Dash smirks. "But do we want to?"

She rolls her eyes at him. "Oh darn ya'll."

"Look Blair. I think Christopher is a really awesome and good looking guy." Kim innocently smiles. -Oh gawd.-

My cousin stops decorating the cookies and looks at him. "Awww, why did you say that? Now I have to say you're cute too." -What is wrong with them?


We've finally finished everything and I gotta say, this squad is really good in helping out. The living room looks lovely and gives me the Christmas Vibes, except for the music. Someone blasted some Christmas Trap songs.

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