Chapter 77:"I'm not one of your one night stands."

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-I heared the whole hype from people in our school, about Sam and a girl from his group. Shit spreads fast like crazy. I mean, respect that he has the guts to show up randomly and become the sweetest asshole on earth.
I wonder, why he did that?-

"On your phone again, huh?" I look up from my phone, just to spot my annoying bitch, named Jeff. -Remind me again, why I decided to stay at home with this hoe?-

He is wearing his leather jacket, which means he's about to go out somewhere. "Don't get me started with counting the times you've wasted on your phone. " I say, making him lift up his hands.

"Alright. I was just joking around." He grabs my leather jacket from my bed and throws it at me. "We should hang out." -He is the bitch and I'm the Master. So, why change our roles?-

"I didn't agree to anything." I say, making him groan.

He runs his fingers through his hair. "Stop being a little fuck and follow me."

"Follow you to hell, you annoying fuck?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Exactly." He admits and walks out from my room.

-I despise him. He's trying to take my role and bothers me this much. I could let him walk away and stay home... but then again, I'm gonna lie to Amanda, if nothing really good happens between Jeff and I again... Ah shit!-


"Are you planning on driving me to another stripper bar? Because I'd rather watch paint dry on the wall." I sarcastically say.

"Stop being so melodramatic. You liked it, admit it!" He parks behind an abonded house, outside NY. The drive took us 30 minutes, so it better be worth it. Otherwise, I'll beat him black and blue, even though I voluntarily came along.


He rolls his eyes at me as we walk straight to the building. "You are into guys, aren't you?" -Ahahaha.... how funny.-

"Don't be pathetic! Unlike you I have my limits." I defend myself and hold myself back, before I punch the life out off him.

He just laughs and ignores me, while I curse at him.

"What is this place and what are we doing here anyways?" I ask as he tries to unlock the door.

He manages to unlock it and we enter. "This used to be my home."
-Oh fuck...-

"Before mom married Rich." I state and he nods, walking quietly ahead of me. -So, he used to be a normal person... Why is he showing me this? I don't get it. It's not like I knew him. -

I spot some empty and broken frames, still hanging on the wall. Everything looks old and it's clear to see that it has been abonded for long. I mean, it's dusty and the house equipments are wrapped in plastics. As Jeff takes steps up the stairs, it sounds like it's about to crack.

"Follow me." He says upstairs and I forcefully do so. -What? I have lazy sides too. Gawd, my quads and calves are going to explode...-

He leads me to his old room. I spot Heavy Metal posters, a lot of NFL merchandises and New York Yankees as his decorations. -Wow, what a freak.- Jeff plumps to his bed, which is covered up with plastic aswell.

"I miss the old days." He then says after a while. "It was amazing, ya know?" -How stupid. What am I doing here anyways? Why is he even indirectly blaming me for this?! It's irritating!-

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