Chapter 103:"Yes, I'm here!"

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"Brother, open your eyes please..." Troy cries as he gently strokes Raven's cheek. "Don't leave me! We need you! Why did you hide things behind us?!"

I try not to cry out loud and try to focus, pressing my clothed wrapped hands into his wound to prevent him losing too much blood. He breathes heavily and looks paler than usual. It breaks my heart seeing him this way.

Crystal is driving the car, while we're in the cargo bed with the two wounded men.

Blair wipes the tears out of her face and curses underneath her breath. She gently strokes Dash's face. "Damn it, TJ! They aren't dead, okay! They'll survive it!"

-What will happen if Raven doesn't make it?... Will I be able to move on? Can I live without him?... Will I ever fall in love with someone like this one day?...I don't want to say goodbye!... So, many questions come across my head.-

I feel my tears falling down as I grab his pale hands. I place it close to my face and try to feel his warmth.

-I just realised how much I love him. He became part of my life... I can't let go. I want to be with him. I want to see him smile at me, like he always does!... I want to live together with him!... I want him to hear me say: 'I love you.'... I want to hear his voice again!
... I don't want him to go now! It hurts me a lot, knowing that I have to let go soon!... -

"A-Amanda..." -THAT VOICE!-

My heartbeat accelerates as I gasp and hastily open my eyes. Raven hasn't opened his eyes, but he spoke! -...H-HE MIGHT SURVIVE IT!-

Troy and Blair widen their eyes at me. Both of them form a smile on their lips and wipe their eyes dry.

"Yes, I'm here!" I hastily say and smile, while my tears roll down. -Darn eyes!- I try to keep them dry by wiping it off with my shoulders. "Hold on, okay? Troy, Blair, Crystal and Dash are here too! We will bring you to the nearest hospital!"

A small smile appears on his lips. -Thank God... THANK GOD! He didn't take him away from me!-

"I love you." I cry and kiss his cold forehead. -I always did...-


Crystal managed to drive is in the nearest hospital on time and the nurses hastily came to take them.

We watch Raven and Dash getting placed into beds and getting oxygen masks. They rush them to the emergency station.

Blair and Crystal were told to give informations about the two by a nurse. They do as they were told, while Troy and I take a seat.

"Holly Molly!" Troy runs his hands through his hair and stares at the ground. His eyes are swollen from all the crying. He looks so stressed with his under eyebags. -I can't blame him though.-

I gently place my hand to his shoulder and pull him into a hug. "They will be alright. I'm sure if it." I feel like crying again, but try to act strong infront of him.

He sobs into my arms and buries his face to my shoulder. "I know. I'm just relieved to know that they are safe now."

I smile and stare at the ceiling, in order to prevent the tears from falling down. I gently stroke his blonde hair, like I always do to Miles, whenever he is sad. "Me too."

I sense the patients staring at us, but it doesn't really bother me. They don't know what we are going through right now.

It doesn't take long and the two join us. We might look pathetic, while crying on our own, but what should we do? We almost lost two precious people in this world. It is understandable, isn't it?

I don't know how many hours passed by, but I'm starting to get nervous about the others.

Crystal notices that I'm acting weird again and places her hand to mine as she sends me a comforting smile. "No one will die tonight. We are all fighters, remember?" -She always makes me happy.-

I managed to smile at her back. "Right."

Blair leans her head to my shoulder and squeezes my other hand. "We are safe now. Don't you worry." I lean my head on hers and shut my eyes. -I am lucky to have these two...-

"Thank you."

A familiar group spontanously enters the hospital and my heart drops, once again. -Oh no... I forgot!-

The strictest looking man stares at me with full of concern, yet mixed with anger. "Amanda!"

-How did he find me?! Why did he not appear sooner?!-

I let go of the two and stand up to rush toward him. I pull him into a hug and sob into his arms. "Daddy..."

-I know, I left home. I know, I shouldn't have... I just hope he could understand, once I've explained everything to him.-

My dad surprisingly just tightens his arms around me. He doesn't say anything and yet, he makes me feel much more safe again.


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