1. Two people short

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So this is how my story started.

My mom got pregnant at 24, when she was living in Las Vegas. She was there because her parents, my grandparents, thought it was a good idea for her to experience life away from Denmark. Before she went there she got a job and found a place she could rent. My grandparents bought her the plane ticket to Las Vegas and payed for the apartment.

My grandfather is the owner of a big ass company, Sørensen enterprise, in Denmark that ships all kind of things all around the world.

Yeah, so back to det story of making me. It was august 1994 when she went to Las Vegas. My mother was fast at finding friends at her job, and they would party at the weekends and work their asses off for the week days. One time in september when they where out clubbing, my mother, which name is actually Anne Sørensen, met a man named Jonas Anderson. They hit it off and started seeing each other.

So we are going to skip all the dirty details about how my mother and father made me. I really don't feel like thinking about my parents having sex.

Anne knew that Jonas was a part of a dangerous motorcycle club called Lions Den. But she didn't care, all she wanted was to be with him. She told me that they were so in love. They both knew that she was going back to Denmark when she was done with her year in Las Vegas, but she was thinking of staying with him. Until one day in January when she found she was pregnant with me. I know big surprise. Back on track. When she found out she was pregnant with me, she made a decision about moving back to Denmark without telling Jonas that she was leaving. You see, she didn't want me to be apart of Lions Den, to be exposed to danger, she knew at one point something bad would happen and she didn't want anything bad happen to me.

So Anne called my grandparents and had them buy a plane ticket back to Denmark. She left without telling anyone, and without a trace. I don't know what happened to my dad, my mother refused to tell me anything, I had to drag the few details she gave me out of her when I was 17.

My mother and I lived in a small town outside Copenhagen. Even though my mother obviously had money, we lived in a small white house. There were a livingroom, two bedrooms and a guest room, a big ass kitchen and two bathrooms. In my room I had a walk in closet, for all the clothes I bought when I was younger, a big bed with white silk sheets, a shit ton of pillows and big windows so I could look out and see the beautiful nature.

I was a rebel when I was younger,  went out all the time, I got drunk almost every weekend with my best friend Mille, we went clubbing(you can drink and go clubbing when you are 18 in Denmark) and slept around. It's not really a time I'm proud of, but shit happens and when you have unlimited money, you really do some stupid shit. You can buy yourself out of anything.

Nonetheless Mille and I were and still are inseparable.

In 2015 a month before my 20th birthday, which is 22 of August, my mother found out she had breast, stomach- and liver cancer. We both knew she wasn't going to make it, so we made the most out of the time we had together. We went on trips to different counties and we had a lot of fun.

When we were in Paris a lot of men where flirting with my mother. She wasn't that old, only 45, had long straight almost platinum blond hair, big eyes and the color were a really light blue, almost like ice, she had strong facial features and freckles over her small nose. She was a small woman, didn't really have an ass or tits for that matter, after she got cancer she looked even smaller, but that really didn't stop the men from drooling over her everywhere we went.

Talking about my mothers look, you should know that I myself is a small girl 5.3 feet, but what she lacks of breast and ass, I definitely got. I have big dark blue eyes, long dark lashes, a small button nose, marked cheekbones, freckles over my nose. I've got full lips, but have a scar on my bottom lip after taking a fall in my childhood, my hair is long, naturally curled, honey blond and my skin tone is like a sand color.

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