14. Tears

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It's been five days since Mille came home and told me about Knife. The first morning Knife came by, I don't know why but Mille yelled at him that he should stay away and never come back, that morning I also blocked his number. I know it's childish but I'm not ready to hear him apologize or whatever he wants.

I've been lying in bed not being able to move, not wanting to move. Mille has slept by my side every night trying to comfort me, but nothing helps. Layla has been cocking for me, but I haven't felt like eating. I just want to lay here, whishing I would have stayed back in Denmark. Don't get me wrong I'm glad I met my dad, Connie and Layla but if I was back home, I wouldn't feel like this. I feel worthless, used and so many other feelings I can't describe.

I know Layla has been talking to Knife almost every day, trying to get an explanation but she won't tell him anything. I'll talk to him when I'm ready, but I don't think I ever will be. Connie has been over a few times trying to talk to me, but it only makes things worse. I miss my mom so much right now, she should have been here to hold me, to tell me everything will me ok, she should be here for my first heartbreak. I hate her for leaving me, for letting me deal with this alone.

There's a knock on the door and Mille looks inside. "There's someone here to see you."

"Who is it?" I sit up in my bed "I don't want to see anyone"

"I think you need to see this one, so get up and put some clean clothes on."

"I'm not putting clean clothes on" I've been sleeping in one of Knifes shirts he must have forgotten here. I know it's dumb, but I can't just let him go completely and he doesn't need to know I sleep in it.

"Well, then come on" I get up from bed, and walk slowly out to the living room, dreading to see who ever it is and there he is. My dad, standing tall just looking at me and giving me a smile.

"I heard someone is having a heartbreak and I know I've missed a lot of things when you grew up, but I won't let you go through your first heartbreak alone" I don't even register what I'm doing but before I know it, I'm in his arms hugging him like my life depends on it.

"Dad" that's the only thing I say, before I start crying like never before. He hugs me back, showing me he's really here.

"Layla and I will just be in my room. Yell if you need anything." She gives me a smile and they walk to her room.

"Now that they're gone, should we sit down?" I nod and walk over to the couch and sit down. My dad sits right down beside me and rubs my back. "So which guy do I need to kill for hurting my little girl."

"No need for killing anyone" I lean over to my dad, he puts his arm around me and rest his head on mine. "Have you ever missed someone so much that even the thought of them made you burst into tears?"

"When your mother left me I was a mess, if it wasn't for Connie, I don't think I would have been alive. I think I cried one time for missing your mother, but you know big guys like me don't cry" he pulls me closer and kiss me on top of my head. "Are you at least going to tell me who it is?"

"It's nobody you know, just some guy" I look down at my hands, which are folded in my lap. "You want to try that one more time, and this time mean it"

"What are you talking about, it's just some guy I've met." I look up at him.

"When you got beat up at Venom, I told the guys that someone should always look after you. Do you know who the first one who volunteered was?"

"I don't know what this have to do with it. You seriously had me stalked?"

"Not stalked, protected. But this has everything to do with it, Knife was the first one and he has always hated that shit, payed the other guys to take his shifts but now he's the one who has been taking the most shifts." He gives me smile. "At first, I didn't think anything of it, thought it was because you're my daughter and he didn't want anyone incompetent looking after you, but he stopped sleeping around, walked around smiling and if there's one thing Knife doesn't do it's smiling.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now