19. Real men

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"This is stupid, we should just drive back to the house" again we're sitting outside the clubhouse. There're bikes everywhere and loud music playing "we're not going to meet anyone, we'll be in and out in no time." Layla looks unsure at me "girls relax, we're going through the back, just into the kitchen, take some booze and food and then we'll be on our way again, trust me on this one" Mille looks at both of us "nobody is even going to be in the kitchen" she finds her phone and dial a number "listen, your friend hurt my friend, so you're going to make sure that no one will be in the kitchen for the next half hour" she looks at us and open her car door "and time starts now" she hang up "now girls, move it" we run to the backside and carefully open the door, and as promised nobody is in here "alright, someone find a bag we can put everything in... let's see what they are hiding"

I really need to pee "hey girls, keep up the good work. I'm just going outside peeing" Layla gives me a weird look "you know there's a bathroom right outside" I nod "and there's a reason we're sneaking around. We don't want to meet my cheating, asshole like ex-boyfriend, remember?" they both stop what they're doing and stares at me "seriously guys, I'm going to die by peeing outside" I turn around but walk into someone "move it" but that someone doesn't move, and I look up. There he is, looking handsome as ever, if he touches me, I'm afraid I'm going to melt.

I hear Mille yell to Layla "move it, so we can get the fuck away from here" I stand there looking at him and he looks down at me "blondie" I back away from him "you know what I love?" he just stares "the sound you make when you shut the hell up" he tries to grab my arm, but I pull it back "you don't get to touch me anymore"

"Blondie, just let me explain what happened." I look at him "so something did happen?" He takes a few steps forward and I take just as many backwards "that's not what I'm saying, if you would just listen" I walk towards him and punches him in the chest "please, save your breath. You'll probably need it to screw up the next girl who'll fall for you"

"Just listen to me for one minute" he tries, I'm so mad right now. What is it he thinks is going to change? He cheated and I don't ever think I can forgive that. I need a long break from him, hearing his voice, seeing that beautiful face of his, knowing he's near. "You just shut up, can't you even do that for me?" I point at him "let me tell you something, real men stay faithful. They don't have time to look for other women because they're too busy loving the one they have" I look back and see the girls right behind me "one last thing, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but that would be cruel and unusual punishment" with that being said I walk away.

"You know that's probably the longest sentence you've said these past few days" Mille takes a sip of a bottle of vodka and passes it to me "come on, you need it" I push it away "I'm going to stay sober, so I can drive us home later" we both look at Layla, she's passed out on the backseat "we're such a bad influence on her" Mille touches her cheek "I know, we should really start growing up" I laugh "but where's the fun in that" now we both laugh.

Mille looks at me with a serious face "I want to have kids" I must have looked shocked because she kept explaining "I don't want to be that old parent, who is 50 when their child turns 10" I laugh "No, I'm serious. Within the next year I want to be pregnant" I've never really thought about being a mother myself, and the thought about Mille being a mother is just weird "you know you're only 24, right? You're only going to be 34 when the kid turns 10"

"I know" she looks back at Layla "I don't even know when it got this way, it's like I woke one morning and wanted a child, and I can't stop thinking about it now" Layla's phone is ringing once again, "seriously does she have a magic pussy or something, Lil'John has been calling like crazy" I laugh "she says they haven't slept together yet, so he probably just misses her" I smile at the thought, god I miss Knife "seriously once again, you answer" Mille throws me the phone "and say what, your girlfriend is so high and drunk she can't come to the phone right now" I take my phone and take it off airplane mode "seriously, Knife has called me a million times are we part of some dumb game they're playing right now" Mille puts her finger up, telling me to keep quiet "Cheetah, tell your boys to calm their asses... what... when... I don't know where we are" I whisper to her "what's going on?" she just shakes her head "start driving towards the clubhouse, Cheetah says you need to turn of the headlight and drive very slowly" Is this how we're going to die. It doesn't help that we smoked a lot, I'm so paranoid everything I see move I scream at. This is going to be one long ride home.

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