15. Call it a vase

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Knife lifted me over to the bed and put me down, we're lying here looking at each other "I've never asked you, what's your real name?" Knife pulls me closer "I've missed you, god I've needed you so much" he starts kissing me, first my lips, then moving down my neck, biting my earlobe lightly, back to my neck kissing and sucking, his hands are roaming my body, touching me with his rough hands. I'm intoxicated by his smell almost so much that I don't notice him trying to take my pants off. I lightly push him away "we can't, I got my period" he looks at me "I really don't care" he tries to take them of once again.

"But I really do. I feel bloated and disgusting but I can do something for you" I start trailing my fingers down to his pants and slowly unbuttons them. I crawl further down the bed, so eager to taste him just as eager as he is to get an orgasm. As soon as he pushed his pants down, I had his cock in my hands and let my lips slide down the wide head.

"Yes," he moans, with his right-hand wrapped in my hair "suck it hard and fast; I want to come" I inhale his scent, feel his silky, warm skin against the tongue. I suck my cheeks in and take him all the way back in the throat and then pull him out all the way to the head. Over and over again. I focus on suction and pace. His hips rotate, the hand in my hair controls the pace. "Oh God." He looks at me with those hazel eyes," I love the way to lick me. Like you can't ever get enough." I don't think I'll ever get enough of satisfying him. Not just satisfy him but showing him, I love him in every possible way.

I pump him with my hand and feel the thick veins beneath the smooth skin, he releases a hoarse sound and a salty heat splashes out on my tongue. He mumbles dirty, naughty things he'll do to me next time he fucks me.

"Yes, just like that Blondie, get me to come." He throws his head back and explodes "Fuck." He comes hard and brutally. I struggle to swallow, he moans my name while his hips pump to my mouth. He gives me everything he has until he is completely empty. He pulls me up and press me against his chest. We have been lying here for some time, he holds me while I listen to his heart and breath slowly settling down.

"Thank you, I really needed that." I look up at him and smile "always at your service"

"I really missed you" he gently kisses my forehead. "I missed you too" He gives me a crooked smile "you know this isn't the only reason I missed you, don't you?" I give him a gentle kiss on the lips "I know"

"When do you think we should tell my dad?"

"You really had to ask me that with my dick hanging out?" I laughed, "I had to ask at some point" I get up from bed "I should go home and get some sleep" Knife pulls me back down to bed "you're not going anywhere any time soon. You'll sleep in here with me" I press myself closer to him and look at him "are you going to sleep, or will you get up when I fall asleep?" he gives me a kiss on the nose "I haven't slept in days, I need the sleep just as much as you. Now go to sleep"

I wake up and check the time on my phone it's 7 am. We slept through the day and night. I know I was exhausted, but I've never slept this much. I take my phone and quietly walk out to the bathroom, then I dial Layla.

"Why are you calling me this early, is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, everything is more than fine. But I need to know if you have some tampons in you and Connie's' room."

"Oh, yeah there should be some in the bathroom" I walk out of the bathroom, put on Knifes shirt and walk down the hall to Connie and Layla's bathroom.

"Where in the bathroom?" I start looking through different drawers.

"They should be in a basket right beside the toilet" I look beside the toilet, and thankfully there is one back.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now