20. 43 years old

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"So, I see you didn't kill Knife last night. Did he come home late like Cheetah?" we're sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. I've been up less than 20 minutes. I woke up to an empty cold bed. I hoped that Knife would be in the shower, we still have so much to talk about but off course he wasn't. I took a shower, when I was done Mille came and took me with her down to get breakfast.

Now I could see Knife, my dad, Cross and Hunt talking in the end of the table. I can't stop myself from glimpsing at Knife, and sometimes I can see him doing the same.

"Girl, something happened last night and you're going to tell me what it is." Mille takes a bite of her pancake. I rub my eyes "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know when he got home. He wasn't there when I went to sleep and when I woke up, he wasn't there either." I take a sip of my coffee. It's not that I don't want to tell Mille, but I need to talk to Knife before I tell Mille anything.

"You're really the worst liar ever seen in this world, but if that's how you wanna play it then fine, but I know there's something to tell." She pokes me with her fork.

"If and when there's something to tell, then you'll be the first one to know." I start eating my breakfast, when Layla comes down and sits besides Mille.

Mille is sniffing Layla "Is that sex I smell on you?" she yells. Layla turns all red, just as Lil'John reaches the kitchen and pour a cup of coffee. I look at my dad, who is choking on his coffee. Layla turns to my and sends me a begging look, asking me to take the fall "god yes, that must be me. You know I can't stop myself from fucking everything with legs." I say, just loud enough for my dad to hear. I look at him and at Knife, my dad looks more pleased with it being me having sex, than Layla being the one. The look on Knifes face on the other hand is angry, and he suddenly get up from his chair and walks out of the kitchen.

"And you said there's nothing to tell, damn girl. You two should figure out what you want from each other." God, it's just too early for all this. "wait, I know it wasn't Ollie who smelt like sex, so why did you yell up?" Layla is still red as a tomato.

"Why do you think smartass, my dad is sitting right down there. He would have killed everyone in here if his precious daughter had sex with someone here." Mille is laughing, "I totally forgot, but Layla know you have to tell us details." I nod in agreement.

"I'm not going to tell you anything, it's so embarrassing. I think I did something wrong, he hasn't said anything to me ever since we woke up." Layla looks down at her coffee.

"Could it have anything to do with the fact, that he's fucking you against Beast's will and the thought suddenly hit him." I take her hand and give it a squeeze.

"You could be right, but he could have said something instead of just shutting off." Mille and I nod in agreement. "yeah, but maybe he just need time. Don't overwhelm him, look how it turned out for Knife and I." I look longingly at the kitchen door, surely Knife couldn't be mad about what I said. He knows I've been in his room all night, and until he left this morning. Even though I don't know what time it was. I hope he doesn't think I've been out getting it on with one of the guys here.

"Why haven't you gone after him yet, staring at the door won't help you" I look at Mille. "I can't go after him, I'm giving him the space he want's, and we aren't together so why should I?" I empty my cup of coffee.

"Everyone listen up" we all look at my dad. "Last night there where some unknown people at the grounds. There where nothing to be found, so we have to stay in the clubhouse until we know more about the situation." My dad keeps talking but I'm not listening anymore, I can't stay here one more day, everyone is driving me crazy and with that being said fake blonde bitch sits down beside me. "must be hard staying in the same house as your ex and the girl he's with again" she gives me a fake smile.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now