4. Pile off sugar

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The bartender looked Mille up and down he then sent her a charming smile and a wink. Mille is totally oblivious to the bartender and is taking the whole bar in. I on the other hand are focused on the bartender, if anyone knows where Jonas is it must be the bartender. He put our shots and beers down, Mille paid him but the he kept standing there. I think he's gathering courage to say something.

"So, um" he started. "Yes please go on" Mille said a bit impatient. I took a shot in the mean time, I need to get my nerves under control before I face Jonas.

"Well, did you sit in a pile of suger?"

"WHAT? Is there something on my dress, it was that bench I took a break on, I should have known it was dirty, so fucking typical. Ollie is there something?" Mille is yelling right now, and I take another shot just to make it less embarrassing

"No no, it's just because you got a pretty sweet ass" the bartender says with a smile.

"Wow, you really know how to use a cheesy pickup line. So what's your name handsome?"

"You can call me Car beautiful, and then you can give me your number and name"

"Can't do that, we've only been in town for like fifteen hours, and we have been doing so much, I haven't even thought about buying a phone but I'm Mille and this is Ollie"

"That's too bad, but then you just have to get back here and give me that number" he gave Mille another wink, and I can see her smile. Before I can make another thought the door is kicked open and in walked Jonas, or a guy who really looks like him. But I'm placing my money on it's Jonas. Just behind walks a guy, he must be around the same age as Jonas, but damn he looks scary. You know, some people just have these crazy eyes, and he most certainly have them. He have a scar from his forehead that cross over his eye and down to the middle of his cheek, he has mid length black hair that's slicked back in a ponytail, and his beard is long as fuck, just reaching his belly.

I turned around and took a big sip of my beer, and tossed down my third shot, I could see Mille also had downed three shots. The bartender just kept making drinks, so I called him over using my finger.

"Who are these guys?"

"Oh that's right you're not from here, but that's Beast and Death they are a part of the motorcycle club "Lions Den" don't know if you've ever heard about them?"

"Oh, just a bit, I'm assuming that Death is that crazy looking guy? He look scary as fuck"

"You're right about that, but you get used to how he looks, he's not a bad guy just have some trust issues, and will do anything to protect the prez"

"Okay, now you lost me. Who is prez, and what even is that?"

In the corner of my eye I can see Jonas and Death walking to a table filled with bikers, some of the bikers have girls sitting on their laps and are almost eating their face off, some girls are grinding the guys, and have their hands on the guys crotches almost giving them a handjob right here. There's a couple of hot guys over there, and if I wasn't here to meet Jonas, I would probably have taking one of them home, but I'm not here for fun.

"Well the prez is the president and that's Beast, he's like the leader, represent our club, make sure we're on good terms with the locals, make business deals with the other clubs, so we can remain in peace. He's the one who ultimately decides if a prospect, like me, can get off for a vote to become an equal part club. When you are a member you don't have to do all the member crappy assignments. Do you understand now?"

"Hold up, you're apart of this club?" I said with disbelief in my voice.

"Why is that so hard to believe Ollie, he got the beard and the tattoos" she said and then whispered to me "if we weren't in this club I would have already taken my clothes off, and I'm seriously considering doing it anyway, just look at the girls over there, I don't think anyone in here would even notice if I did it"

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now