22. Hurt you

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"What's going on in that fucking head of yours? Fucking one of my brothers, that's fucked up even for you" I lay down on his bed and massage my temples, does he really want to start that right now. I'm in no condition to argue with him, "could we maybe do this later, I'm so hungover you don't know the half of it" he shrugs his shoulders "you dropped your sheet to get my attention, so now start talking or get the fuck out" he isn't exactly yelling at me, but he's so close "if we're doing this now, could you keep your fucking voice down I feel like I've been hit by a bus"

"Serves you for fucking my brother" he whispers but not low enough "you wanna try that again, try to make sure I can hear it this time." I sit up and stare at him "that's what I thought but let's start, we need to talk about what happened with you and that slut, I need to know everything" seriously, just the thought about the two of them makes me want to cry but I can't, not now.

"I promise I didn't fuck her in here, you and your dad are the only ones who have gotten permission to go in here" I look down on my hands, biting my lip to stop the tears "so you fucked her?" I look up at him, one tear dripping, two tears dripping, I'm sitting on the edge of the bed contemplating if I want to hear more when Knife drops to his knees, "blondie, there's never going to be anything that can make it up to you, but please let me try" I slap him in the face.

"You broke me, pulled me apart, ripped my heart to shreds and I hate myself, I really do, I've tried so hard to stop loving you, telling myself that you're no good for my heart." I can't stop my tears now, seeing him sitting there on his knees pleading me for forgiveness. Am I really ready to forgive him? "why did you do it? Why her, we were fine, everything was good"

"Blondie, I've never been in a relationship I thought when I told I didn't want to be in a relationship that was it and you acted like you were fine with it, I just..." his eyes look glassy and he tries to give me a smile, but it doesn't even reach his ears. "And when your dad told me you got a minor meltdown because of me, I didn't want to cause you any more pain, and I thought... - I don't know what I thought"

"Why was she in your room, what was she doing in here?" that's one of the things that hurt the most, knowing she was in here and touching his stuff, acting like they were a couple.

"When we were done, I ran out of the room, I knew the second we were done that I screwed up, I needed a shower and left everything in my fuck room. She was in here to leave my things and you came at the worst possible moment seeing her leaving my room" he takes my hands and kiss them "I know I don't deserve you but there's nothing I won't do for you. Say what you want, and I'll give it to you"

I keep looking at him and dry my tears away "I wish I could hurt you the way you hurt me. But I know that if I had the chance, I wouldn't do it" his eyes are boring into mine, looking into my soul "but you did, you fucked Cross" he yells and get up from his knees.

"God, you're the biggest idiot on this planet. I don't think I've ever met a guy so blind and stupid" I laugh "what the fuck are you rambling about, you were naked in his room, threw yourself at him all night" I laugh even harder now "thank you, I really needed this"

"Woman, tell what the fuck is so funny!" I roll my eyes "just because you could fuck another, doesn't mean I can" I get up from the bed and hug him "I was messing with you yesterday, as I said I wanted to hurt you but I could never hurt you as much as you hurt me" he hugs me tighter and kiss me on top of the head "why were you naked in his room?"

"I don't know at what point I thought it was a great idea to take my dress of, but I wasn't wearing a bra last night and I tried something new" I wiggle my eyebrows "what new thing did you try blondie" I look up at him and bite my lip "well, you can buy panty stickers now so I thought why not try it out" he lifts one eyebrow. It was so embarrassing asking Car to but then for me, but he did it no questions asked "and you just had to try it out last night" I give him a big smile "couldn't think of a better time"

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now