27. Twinkle, twinkle

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"I think you should leave before my dad sees you" Knife takes deep breath "you told him, he's gonna kill me" I really try but I can't stop laughing, I know my dad's angry and I really don't know what will happen when he sees Knife but this, this is just to funny. I can hear Cross laughing too.

"What's so fun... Knife, just the guy I didn't want to see anytime soon" my dad looks at Knife with that fake smile, everyone can see's fake. Maybe I should seek cover, because this can go in any way, Knife is standing with his mouth hanging open.

"Are you gonna tell how I ended up being a grandad?" my dad's mad, his face is all red and those blue eyes are burning. Right now I'm glad he isn't yelling at me, Cross is still laughing when he opens his big mouth "I can't tell you what position they did it in, but...-" my dad sends his killer eyes to Cross "you're gonna shut the fuck up, before I cut you open"

"Right, I'm just gonna go now" Cross turn around, walk inside his office and close the door.

"Yeah, I'll be on my way too" I start to walk away but Knife stops me "where are you going, we need to talk" my dad keeps standing in the hall looking at us "weren't you supposed to take a ride, calm that ass of yours?" I ask annoyed, this is none of his business and he has no right to be angry. He shouldn't be concerned about this.

Knife and I need to figure out what he want because I know what I want. I just don't know if I can handle being rejected again, but I'll fight everything to keep this baby and if he doesn't want me then he can go fuck himself.

"Don't take that tone with...-" I interrupt him immediately I'll talk to him however I see fit, I'm not and never will be someone who'll follow his every order "you don't take that fucking tone with me, you have no fucking reason to be angry at me or Knife for that matter, but you're acting like a five year old, this is not your problem, it's ours and you just stay the fuck out of it" I'm so done with him yelling at me, two months without being yelled at my dad have done wonders for me.

"If you weren't my daughter you'd be out on the street, you get that?" I laugh "if I wasn't your daughter I wouldn't set foot in this place, you get that?" he takes two deep breaths "tell Connie that I'm not...-"

"You tell her yourself, fucking pussy" I yell, I don't know why but I'm just so feed up with his bullshit. I can see he tries to suppress his anger, I know he's in the need of yelling but if he starts, I'm gonna yell just as loud. He pushes past me, and I can hear him yelling at everyone who stands in his way.

Yeah, I didn't make it better for the brothers coming back. This conversation just ruined my mood, not that I was in a great mood because of Deadly, but hey it was better. I don't know if I can handle the conversation with Knife right now, but I know I should. He better not piss me off.

"Where've you been blondie, I've looked everywhere. I was starting to think you went back home" he says, with that sad look that makes my heart hurt, I look at him with warm eyes and smile "I promised I would stay, but I wanted to give you time and I didn't want to fight with you"

"You know, we really need to talk" I nod, I know but I'm dreading this conversation. I hope he wants this just as much as me, but I'll handle it if he doesn't "stop thinking and come with me blondie" he takes my hand and drag me with him until we reach the roof. I spend too much time up here after Mille died and being here's bringing back bad memories.

"Could we maybe go somewhere else?" I ask in a tearful voice "this is where I kissed you for the first time and I know you've had a lot of good times here with Mille and Lay" he's sitting in a chair and points to the one besides him "come, sit" I walk over and sit down. I don't know how I feel right now, sad and happy. I'm sitting with the man of my dreams in a place I spend so much time with my best friend and sister.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now